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All yours for £999, for the current XS2 version. The strange thing is that, despite being almost empty, it can bring a massive improvement to the boxes like the Nait XS, the 122x and 152xs.

NAC12S - later model than the previous one (connectors are pins and sockets rather than ‘knife edge’.


A linear power supply does not have to complex but…

‘Bolt Down’ NAP 160


NAC 72


I know…these power supply upgrades do get me scratching my head…some of the Naim kit like the NDX2 have a transformer that make some power amps look less than endowed, yet respond to xpsdr or 555 dr ps.

It’s partly because you are moving the power supply away from the sensitive bits - look at the 250/300.

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…and for an extra £500, i‘ll raise you the HiCap DR. Seems good value for money when you compare with the Flatcap.


Nova … a little bit more for your money …


Jeez. Is that transformer also used for welding?

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So my Nova/250DR isn’t using that transformer at all??? :thinking:

Personally I think Naim lose credibility as a brand charging what they do for their PSU’s, there’s little or no justification for it.


You guys would love it at the factory, you get to peek into all the models in the shelves in wiring. Kept there for reference so the folk wiring always have a perfect build example to hand.


The NAP300 head unit. If it was a 250 you’d need to find space for a transformer and some capacitors too. I wonder if that’s a bit of cork floor tile between the heat sink and the fan.

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That’s not a 300, this is.

In the interest of equality & balance, Scottish air in the Akurate cased Radikal is equally as expensive. I was taken aback when my dealer opened mine to do a PS upgrade in it (why required you may well ask)…best left as no more said.

Aesthetically, a CD3.5 + Flatcap looked really good together and was a great combo in terms of performance.

Just for fun, Pivetta Opera one inside.

Is that a 2 stroke engine either end of those toroidal transformers?

Says ‘Hollow’ about a flatcap :slight_smile:

(no offence intended)

But marketing is about what people are prepared to pay. Given the boost a single flatcap can give on a 5 series amp and cd player I would go that route.

For sure, and I’m not prepared to pay €4500 for an XPS2 regardless of benefit, marketing cuts both ways and can have an equally negative outcome.

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