Show us your ATCs

Timbo, ATC service dept are fantastic as I found out when my daughter dinged the dome on my 40’s!

Your speakers will be good as new very soon…


Tower rosewood, you can see my pics posted here before

Very nice indeed @Tesilk. :+1:

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Yes they are very nice people. Both speakers are being reconed as inspection revealed one unit had detached from the spider (not sure what that means) and the other was a bit dodgy so they are doing them both.


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I read those reviews too and I think they are unhelpful to the average buyer. It’s like reviewing a Landrover. They are a lovely vehicle to take the kids to school in which is what they do most of the time but they will only reach their full potential climbing up a mountain. :wink:

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I think you could say that about most if not all speakers appearing to come more alive at higher volumes.

In my experience with Naim amplification, they come alive at much lower listening levels than that.


Yes, that doesn’t surprise me.

When I was demoing ATCs at Acoustica a few years or so ago, a couple of guys from ATC were in the shop and, chatting with them, they were both enthusiastic about the active 40s and reckoned that they were a sweet spot in the range.


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That’s interesting to hear. Thanks.

I do wonder if ATC have new products up their sleeves for next year. I don’t have any proof of this, it’s just my hi-fi 6th sense is sort of calling me. Know what I mean?

[sigh] If they could just make a domestic SCM25a! One that stands vertically rather than horizontally. Now that would surely be a winner! I would certainly jump at that! I’d borrow the money from somewhere…


Spidey Sense !

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New ATC50 psl installed today. Out of the box they are so much ‘more’ than the wonderful 40s. It’s clear they are end game speakers for me.
Now a few hundred hours of enjoyable run in…




How big is the room if you don’t mind me asking?

They look gorgeous :grinning:

Loving the ATC 50s porn… Bring it on! :heart:


3.5m x 5ish m. L shaped. I was a little worried about the room being too small but the acoustics are very good aided by a concrete floor under the carpet. There is no bass boom at all, even on the first day and prior to the easing of the units and some commensurate increase in control. Im going to ket them settle in and my brain/ears adjust before I think about any fettling and asjusting. Meanwhile, ive got a while new record collection to explore :wink:


Looks great! What Naim system do you use with them? And always interesting to hear a bit more about how you find the 50s compared to the 40s. (Yes, I often dream of going to the 50s :blush:)

Possibly my favourite ever grain right there! Absolutely stunning :heart_eyes:

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Thanks. Interesting. My room is 4.5 by 5m and I always assumed it was too small for 50s :+1:

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I have a 552dr / 300dr. Working like a dream with them. Very early for me to adequately describe the difference suffice to say it’s like the 40s have had a drink (ie eased up) and grown some bigger muscles! At times the 40s feel slightly restrained, the 50s just let rip and a freer. Will try and describe it better in a few days! :rofl: