Show us your ATCs

Mines are in oak also (pippy oak)



Now you’re just rubbing it in.:smile:

Hope not :sweat_smile:

But tbh they sound amazing when on the wall, I think they were specially designed by ATC to sound best when hang like that. Distance from the floor is 140 cm up to the tweeter, distance between speakers 300 cm

It’s only the Entry series that are not available in oak in the U.K. Oak and pippy oak have always been available in the Classic series.


Good to know. Anyway these speakers are now in Yerevan, Armenia. I am pretty sure these are the first ATCs (active) in the country.

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ATC received! they are superb in Oak… top finish!

Connection in RCA/XLR (soon DIN/XLR) MOGAMI 2534 with a 272/XPSDR.

The sound is already superb, very beautiful timbre but it lacks a little openness and on rock it lacks a little punch… that was at the first listening because already, after 4 hours, the sound opened… I put it on the account of the lapping, I know it’s important and it takes several dozen hours.

I am amazed by the quality of the bass, they go low (no need for sub) with firmness…

Attention to the mains phase, I find much better with the phase left connector connected.

In any case very happy with my purchase…


Very nice, especially on the last photo.


They look great in oak - if that had been an option when I got mine last year would have definitely considered instead of white.

…oh if I must…


DIN/XLR will make them sound much better

Beautiful speakers there I have atc scm40 they take time to run in but its worth the wait. They give a wonderful holographic stage and deep bass when its on the recording. Its not emphasised, stunning midrange my only tiny gripe is a tad more top end extension would be nice but no worries at all with them. Enjoy

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They don’t need a massive “run in” period, but do improve over time.

As they open up, you should hear improvement, particularly in the lower frequency ranges. They have plenty of bass if it is on the source material, and are blisteringly quick. They also enable one to listen into the music to hear individual instruments and how they fit into the song.

Apologies for the hifi reviewer-y bit :grinning:
Give them time and the right signal and you will appreciate what a bargain you have just bought yourself.

PS they need a little bit of volume to get them really going, but not so much that you look like Peter Murphy in the famous Maxell ad. of the 1980s


Thank you all for your comments! I’m going back to listen to music! :grinning:


Anyone compared ATC SCM20 PSLT to SCM40?


Not personally, but I’ve come across a discussion on another forums on comparing these two speakers. Some preferred the 20s and some the 40s, surprise, surprise!


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I’m jumping in here, and asking if anyone has thoughts or experience of how ATC (specifically passive SCM 40s) compare to B&W 805D3?

I’ve always really liked the looks of ATC but never heard any, bar fleetingly at a show & a demo room ages ago.

My amp is an SN3.
Room size: 4m x 6m approx.

Could you mention which forum this is without posting a link? Would like to better understand how they differ :slight_smile:

Heard both of them. Never considered B&Ws after as an option.

I had 20 Towers in my system and heard some 40s outside. Well, those are quite different beasts. Passive 40s are way more amp hungry and deliver substantially more in the bass region. 20s integrate beautifully with the sub though.

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I would like probably to upgrade some day to the 20 active towers with good preamp and source but those are 10k and I guess 40kg and I need more compact and cheaper solution now. And then you start to inevitably think of 50 actives… :slight_smile: