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I read the SCM20 offer closer wall placement over the 40s, better tweeter and a much better looking grill :wink:

Personally I prefer the look of the SCM20 over the 40s, 20s also offer a wider range of finishes although up thread someone managed to a aquire 40s in Oak?

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50s actives - best option


The 20s are UK made and use much higher quality veneers than the 40s which have cabinets built in the far east.
There are no grilles for the 20. For me that’s too risky - too many visiting small children who might be tempted to trash the drivers. Not sure what would be worse, that or having to look at the ludicrous grilles on the 40s!!

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I thought the 20s came supplied with a cloth grill, I agree too risky with young children a magnet for my 18 month old granddaughter.

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As far as I’m aware it’s only the ‘Entry’ series that have grilles. That’s the SCM7/11/19/40.

There is a grill available for the 20s too it seems which is of the more traditional style (me like).


You beat me too it, just googled and also found a handful of pics showing the cloth grills.


Interesting - when I asked ATC a few years ago they said no, otherwise I might have bought a pair.

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It’s the “hifi tent” that’s stopped operating at the moment I’m afraid.


Maybe try PFM?

What are those??


I went from 805d3 to 40’s passive, a great improvement, the 805D3 were nice, but made everything sound nice (safe) whereas the 40’s brought the music alive or real great bass, soundstage and being a 3 way it’s better. I auditioned other floorstanders which weren’t 3 way and after hearing the SCM40’s they just had something missing, the great mid driver the 40’s have.
I too have a Supernait 3 with Hicap from a NDX2, I auditioned it with and without a 250DR and the 250NC (latest). I felt it needed a bit more drive so added the 250DR. The new 250 was great, but sounds different definitely faster but I went for the 250DR I liked the sound and definitely less money.
I hope this helps but you listen for yourself.

Only downside is now I’m after a 280 to replace the Supernait 3, top of the waiting list at my dealers for a trade in.

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Thanks, that’s very informative. Particularly in relation to the SN3, and additional power supply/amp options.

More specifically regarding the SCM40 passives, are there any model variations I should be looking out for? My search will be s/h, usual places.

Hi, congratulations on getting the Active 40’s.

I have had mine for about 12 months now and found them perfect for my requirements😀

When I purchased mine the ‘wood’ effect finish was described as cherry not oak and a quick look on ATC’s website confirmed this was still the case ( * Veneered Finish Options – Cherry, Black Ash.)

Were yours a special order?

I would only go for the second version I believe there was a version 1

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Older ATC speakers used bought-in tweeters, unlike all the other drivers, which were built in house. By late 2013 ATC had developed their own factory built tweeter which was used from then on in all the entry series, including SCM40s. (A SL version was released slightly later and used in the remaining models.)

There is a strong consensus that the new tweeter is less “hot” and generally smoother than the older ones. (Pro models could even be upgraded.)

What this boils down to for purchasing second hand SCM40s is that I’d be wary of models around 10 years old or older. It might be wise to confirm with the seller whether or not the speaker has the newer tweeter.


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The MK1’s also had conventional rectangular cabinets, rather than the current lute shape, and rather dull-looking coverings over the drive units, rather than the metal grilles that I, for one, find attractive, particularly in conjunction with the white cabinets.


Thanks to both of you, that’s the pertinent information I need.

I notice one seller online specifies his are mk1.

To confirm: the shape, as described above, is that the best way to visually identify the differences between older and newer?

Type ATC SCM40 v1 into your search engine.

Mine immediately displays a few for sale. Compare these with the current iteration: they look substantially different.

40 passive ex dem models do appear on dealer websites from time to time. This would give you cover under ATC’s 6 year warranty.

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