Show us your camera

Hi Jamiewednesday, I’d be interested if you could briefly say what updates in the last year or so have vastly improved LR please?

Yeh, but you don’t know my missus… ‘Renting’ is out !!

Boo! I hope they’re just playing hard to get…

The usability of many functions, masking especially.

Thanks for this link, Jamie. I’m just re-starting with Lightroom again after a gap of a few years so looking at some of the improvements & changes. I’ll put this on my list to investigate further with a few images.

It’s waaay more complete than it used to be. Mind, some of the tools in Photoshop are just witchcraft.

Yes, modern software and the introduction of AI is frightening in what can be achieved. It’s got to the point where it almost doesn’t matter what you shoot in camera as you can correct and change/improve later…

My “Leica-ish” every day carry.

Use it with Fuji lenses and also legacy Olympus OM 50mm f1.4 and 28 f2 glass.

Was thinking of switching to the Q2, but then Nikon came out with the Zf and it has put a spanner in my plan :joy:

Haven’t shot film for a long time but still have a Pentax P3 sitting on the shelf.


Ha, as a photographer I wish that was the case. Unfortunately a badly shot photo can only be save up to a point. Just like a poorly recorded album won’t sound any better, no matter how good the HiFi system you play it on is :sweat_smile:

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Yes, of course. I did say it almost doesn’t matter what you shoot in camera - my phrasing was rather to emphasise the point that modern post processing is nowadays playing an increasingly important role, IMHO not necessarily a good thing.


I had one of those, and an Olympus Trip, an OM10, an OM1n, an OM3 (didn’t like that), now an old E500 and a Tough.

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I have a red Tough too. The old one had the flip screen, then it stopped showing the images but still takes pics - just a bit haphazard if you can’t see it. Never used any underwater yet.

Had one of those too, but I think the film advance now slips. Went Digi in 2006 and wouldn’t go back.

Blimey! I had (have somewhere) one of those too.

I have the TG860, great little thing but only got it recently… But as you seem to be an Olympus fan, what do you reckon to the moderately priced slr’s? I particularly like the flip screen - it helps with the knees not working so well. Hope you don’t mind me asking but I’ve just had a trip down memory lane looking at Olympuses. I still have but never use my film cameras, and some were starting to wear on the film advance lever. I started with a Trip, thinking “nah, different lenses not for me…” like that lasted!

It was the compactness that attracted me , as I’ve not got big hands, and apart from a compact Pentax (that got nicked) I’ve never strayed from Olympus.

I too have been an Olympus user now for a few years. I now use the OM-1. Its image stabilisation and sophisticated features are transformative. The micro four thirds Olympus (now OM) lenses are incredibly small and the optical quality is very good. For years I had Canon equipment which though excellent, I often left at home as I got to the point where I couldn’t be bothered with lugging a bag full of heavy lenses around. It’s true that the best camera is the one you have with you.

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I am a fairly undemanding camera user, not bothered about lots of technology and features. I want a camera that feels good in the hand, is intuitive to use, robust (I often carry them in a rucksac or kayak) and with a few lens options. As such my two SLRs just do the job; an OMD E M1 I bought S/H and an OMD EM5 Mk iii.

They do the job, I Iike using them and the lenses are nicely balanced. The Zuiko 60mm macro in particular is a really nice thing and I use it plus the Zuiko 12-48 f2.8 most of the time . The older body is a bit heavier but both are a sensible size and weight to carry about.

Days gone by I would research every feature and plan a camera purchase obsessionally. Then almost always buy an Olympus! Now they have become more like computers, and my photography has changed too. I am just happy to use what feels familiar. I actually prefer to use the eyepiece rather than the screen most if the time so the flip screen isn’t so important, although it is good for macro etc with a tripod


Lovely cameras and super lenses , software not exactly user friendly. I am persevering with it and have just bought the 56mm 1.2 (the older model) at a knockdown price. I intend to use it of flower photography


@DomTomLondon Handy that the aperture rings run the same way on the Olympus and Fuji glass :slight_smile:

Lovely camera btw. An acquaintance works with a couple. Equivalents of a 28 on one and an 85 on the other.

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