Show us your camera

Duh :roll_eyes: if i had managed to look further back that would have been obvious :joy: Too focused on the Allen head screw!

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I always shoot in raw and jpg, jpg for quick viewing, raw because it preserves all data unlike jpg, and can allow any amount of tweaking. Raw I then use for any I want to display or archive. I don’t use any 'in-camera arty effects, but if I did I would certainly only apply to jpg, keeping raw for any subsequent decision to present in a different manner.

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As per A-Fin’s reply. Here’s a picture of the back.


Yes, it’s a Q.


Thumb grip. Makes the grip so much more secure in my hands.


Thank you. That makes perfect sense now!

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Thanks, that is exactly what it looked like and the image I wanted , it really evokes an awful lot of memories

best wishes

PS I don’t have Photoshop or Lightroom , about the only editing I do is cropping

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You do realise you have ruined his excuse for another holiday now don’t you?:rofl:


Not a chance , but thanks for your concern .

I discovered the error in Valletta and managed to get the setting right for the final few shots

Velvia mode (love those greens)


Photoshop Elements might be all you need. It is for me, for many years now. I have just upgraded to version 12, from v9, via v10… :slightly_smiling_face:


Lightroom is a pretty important processing tool, that you would find very useful. Not just for cropping, but for exposure, sharpness and perspective (to name just a few).
For instance, (forgive me for playing around a bit with your photo)…


Abode Lightroom is part of the Creative Cloud and has to be ‘rented’ via a subscription. Same for Photoshop. Stop paying and - poof - they are gone (AFAIK).

PSE on the other hand you just buy. My copy of Version 12 cost me £26 on eBay (plus postage).

Installing PSE was never particularly hard, but V12 was an absolute breeze. Adobe found my existing account, linked it all - bang - installed, registered, done.

Personally (and YMMV…) PSE is all I need.


I don’t have experience of PSE and don’t know what it can do. I thought it was rather a ‘creative’ tool rather than a photo editing tool. If it’s all you need, then good for you :+1:

I just wanted to show what is possible with Lightroom.

I use the old Lightroom 5, which was a one-off purchase. It has all I need and I don’t feel the need to upgrade to Lightroom’s new monthly payment system, which is, to be honest, a kick in the teeth to pure amateurs like me.


Reminds me of somewhere !!!


Thank you, at the moment I have internet problems - so am going to fibre optic next month , the pictures I am uploading are at very low resolution , so little can be done at the moment

Yes but look at what you can do in Photoshop. Top; Ian, middle: Wugged, bottom: mine. Not only no loss of image, but more.

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I would point out that the updates in LR over the past year or so have improved it beyond measure imo.


Very impressed - many thanks


Is from 2013 - as is PSE V12. But I am not sure if its possible to still buy LR 5…?

You certainly can buy - and sell - versions of PSE, easily.

There are also various free programmes - such as GIMP and Darktable. I have zero knowledge or experience with these.

Bought one of these for my son for Xmas.

My daughter has an earlier Instax which they both use and I print from a wide and a square Instax printer for occasional projects, so we’ve all been quite creative with them over the years. I like this one as you have the option to save and/or send rather than having to print at the time and it’s rather handsome. Looking forward to giving it a go. I mean him giving it a go…