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The logos appear to have been covered by adhesive tape. I can’t imagine why!

Yeah, I could accept the shots….apart from the lens!

FD lens,and a LAN indicator on the rear? 20-30 years difference in technologies? I don’t think so…….but please tell me I’m wrong, I have a couple of very nice Vivitar Series One lenses with FD mounts………

It’s real, you can see the adapter behind the lens if you look closely.

Its got a flippy screen, the Nikon Z9 doesn’t have one of those


Leica M10-P


Because it is pre-production test camera, and under wraps.

Car manufactures do the same thing when they are testing “in the wild” pre-production models to iron out any niggles. You see similar photos of these pre-production cars in some automobile magazines.

I cover the logos on my camera, what I call stealth mode, as I do not want to attract too much attention to my cameras.

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Nice Leica :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks. It’s my street photography workhorse.


Stealth mode…


You see the same sort of thing around Chichester, near the Rolls-Royce Motors factory at Goodwood - big cars whooshing around with fake panels to disguise the shape of the cars under development.

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My current pair Leica M10P and Q2. Gone through a lot of brands over the years Minolta, Olympus, Nikon, Canon, Fuji, Panasonic, Practika and a Russian brand I cannot remember which was medium format but settled on Leica about 5 years ago and just love the colours I get from their cameras. Recently sold a SL, Q and M-P 240 and a whole host of lenses to arrive at these 2. Just awaiting a Match Technical thumb grip to arrive from the states for the M10P and still deciding on a better half case for the Q2 rather than the Leica protector.


It looks like a pre- production model of a super professional camera.

Maybe even a medium camera , akin to Fuji’s GFX series, say a GFX 100

Edit , missed your earlier comment about R1

The anticipated Canon EOS R1 perhaps?

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Something of that ilk, and I think you are probably right.

Lovely camera, but something for a younger person to lug around,

An email from London Camera Exchange says that the R1 has improved tracking and ‘deep-learning’. Expect to see many sports photographers (or their agencies) selling their R3s…

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That lens is seriously under-nourished. It needs a good dinner to bulk it out a bit.


Indeed it is.

Rolls Royce bodies used to be made by British Leyland. When being transported from the BL plant, they weren’t allowed to just throw a tarpaulin over it, as it would easily be recognised. A frame was constructed around body before covering, as RR didn’t want anybody knowing BL manufactured the bodies. :scream:


The R1 looks like it’s going to offer quite a lot for those that need it’s particular talents.

Personally the R5 Mkii looks like it’s going to be far more suitable, I may be tempted to treat myself once available.

On a slight tangent, I did buy a pre-owned EF 300mm f2.8 L IS recently at what I consider to be a bargain price.

Yes it’s heavy, and not always as quick to focus as my newer lenses and can be less willing to follow the eye (though this could be more due to the R6 it’s sat on) but blimey, what a piece of work. The images using it are terrific, effortlessly sharp and look very right. It’s also more than happy to work with the 1.4x MKiii (and even the 2x MKiii which I bought for a song off ebay to try with it too).