Show us your camera

…guilty as charged, yer Honour! :laughing:

Me too. Didn’t realise I was such a fool…

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@suzywong @Wugged_Woy - Its an individuals choice - to pay monthly or annually to (keep) Adobe products. Or not to.

Shame Adobe don’t give people a choice - but that the business model they (and others - yes, you… Microsoft) have chosen.

Me… I just buy (outright) a copy of PhotoShop Elements (PSE).
Which is way good enough for me. And no fees… :neutral_face:

Tbf, I don’t miss £9.98 pm for a few, oft used and solid bits of software that do evolve and move on with some significance from time to time. Though I barely use any of what PS offers, only the occasional need make that awkward thing in the viewpoint not there any more. LR on the other hand gets well used.

Mind, I still have the original Nik Efex plugins which were free to air some years back and work well when they take my fancy.


I’m lucky I have both types, I do like Mirrorless, my Z7 (original version) it is wonderfully compact and produces great images attached to the new Z range of lenses, however the compact size gets negated when you add the FTZ and Nikon F mount lenses.

What I dislike is that the camera has to wake up, this takes a moment or two and can be frustrating, I don’t know how the Z8 fairs in this regard, DSLR’s by comparison are instant.

Owning a DSLR isn’t a problem the camera’s work just fine, photographers took stunning images with these cameras for many years, is the AF as good as the new ones, probably not but are they poor, no, not by a long way.

If you are comfortable with with DSLR’s stick with them, the D850 will last for many years but obviously you will need to accept that all the development going forward will be on the Mirrorless range.

I am going to stick with what I have for now, my D5 should be good for a year or three with my Z7 and Zf’s going on beyond that, hopefully.

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Add me to the fools parade

I’m a subscriber of a good few years, I like the fact that it get regular updates of the products, they are very different products from when I started and get used most weeks for editing.

So yes, i’m guilty as charged, and happy to continue to be a subscriber.


I got them when Goggle were giving them away, they all seem to work with PS-2024. Got most of my equally ancient Topaz PS plug-ins going as well.

I rather enjoy printing at home…


Its allowed… :neutral_face:

As I rarely print photos anyway, its just not worth it… for me.

Could you share what it was you don’t like about the Fuji? I really like the X system especially the higher end options.

I liked the construction of the lenses and cameras. I had a basic XT30 , got some cracking photos, but did not like the menus .

Decided to go back to something I felt comfortable with

On Saturday last I went to photograph some Astrantia in my garden, through my Fuji , I just couldn’t see a thing and came to the conclusion that I liked both a traditional optical viewfinder and I didn’t like the X series handing .

Time for a strategic retreat from mirrorless . Whether my cataract is an issue I don’t know , but I took one look at the controls on the Canon 6 D Mk11 and decided it was a case of ‘Back To The Future’


It is something of a disappointment but I guess it’s a water tester for the phonecam generation.

Half frame, with 25mm f3.5 announced next week.

Allegedly a solid piece of kit, with a sharp lens. But hf??? And what gives with the big ol screws on the top plate?

And they are apparently still working on an slr.

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Small screws would give the impression of a necessity, which I suppose they are.

Larger screws give the impression of design feature.

Well, they’re either nuts or very sure of the potential market.


Love the knife and fork symbols on the focussing scale!

Could it be any more focussed on the phone generation?!

There were allegedly between 2 and 4 35mm cameras on there way as at the end of 2023, with at least 1 slr. Fingers crossed this isn’t it then…

So are you thinking of an Eos 5D Mk 4 or some such then, Ian?

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Better off with one of these


I just think that zone focus and half frame are so cheap and gimmicky. Would have been less silly if your £500 bought some autofocus at least.