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I thought I’d upload a better snap than my last one of my second favourite piece of kit in terms of aesthetics. Second only to the gorgeous Vertere MG1


I would say the pre- amplifier is the least worst option


Preamp on top of CD player. Always preferred because the weight gives damping to the mech. Though, having owned several Arcam Alpha players, I wonder if they are deep enough for the Naim’s feet.


Thanks for the responses. Pre Amp it is, with rubber pucks added.

@feeling_zen I never thought of that. It looks like my Arcam will fit underneath Pre Amp. Will experiment with it today. :+1:t3:

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All the discussion about Naim CDPs has made me give mine a lot more use lately.
Usually I’m a vinyl person.
Running short of space though, so have bought a few CDs post Xmas. Have to say, it’s not at all bad and I can’t really see any advantage at all in upgrading my CD5Si.
What I have noticed though is how discs bought at the time the format was first launched sound quite harsh compared to more recent versions, prompting a bit of a clear out


That’s interesting - my experience has been pretty much the opposite:

Anyway, here’s my CDX2 (sitting on neither my 202 nor my 200!):



Oppo UDP-205 – CDs, SACDs, DVDs, Blu-ray, VCD, CD-V… this baby plays anything and everything (except HD DVD).


My brand new CDX2.2 with XPS DR, warming up after arriving very cold in Brighton from TomTom Audio in St Albans. They are to replace a much cherished CDS2/XPS whose transport mech failed.


It will sound better if you get it off the floor and separate from the XPS. :laughing:

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Of course, you’re right. I have an aluminium shelving unit upstairs where they will sit (separately from each other).

The current placing is just to allow them to be plugged in next to a mains socket, to warm up after a cold journey from St Albans to Brighton - they were very cold when they arrived.

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CDS2 with Flash remote. Both still working nicely. I also have a CD3.5/Hicap in reserve/2nd system which gets occasional use.


Had you been doing some gardening or DIY just before you unboxed the new CDP, Graham? :laughing:

I’m sure that this is a very witty remark, Stevie, but I just don’t ‘get’ it!

Graeme, the new CD player is to replace a CDS2 and Flash, both of which gave up the ghost, very sadly. I’m hoping that the CDX2.2 disc player is almost as good as the CDS2 was.

Love it! Marantz SA-KI RUBY CD/SACD Player


A great fan of (that vintage) rega CD players here.

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an orgasm…?

G – if you don’t know, the CDXs are quite particular as to what they sit on, as a bare CDX can sound ‘over-lively’ veering towards bright to some ears, which is often helped by improved placement via experiment. Of course, the XPS(2?) smooths off much of this, adding detail etc, – but, I suspect, you’ll find it a little way below your CDS2, on the basis this was performing OK in its last years.

I think @steviebee was alluding to the seeming marks on the CDX2’s casework – looks like you could have been at the sherbet bon-bons just before unpacking :grin:

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Hello, HL, thanks for that.

The Power Supply is an XPS DR.

The marks on the cases are polystyrene ‘dust’, which I will clean off with Astonish Tile and Glass Cleaner, which is - I believe - what Naim use at the Factory.

The CDP and PS were freezingly cold when they arrived in Brighton from St Albans a couple of days ago, so I have had them plugged in to the mains for a couple of days now to allow them to warm up/stabilise.

I’ll unplug them and move them upstairs to the aluminium racks in my listening room later today.

Will post a pic when all is hooked up again.

G – I’ve bought stuff from St. Albans and mine also arrived freezing cold, and the only box left rattling around in an aged Sprinter van when it got to me!

Just be careful with the drawer on the CDX vis the puck and the swing-out, as it’s easy to unthinkingly nudge it at times while it’s open. Enjoy :grin:

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Thanks for that, HL. It will be fun to be able to listen to a few CDs again, as I have some which I can’t replicate on LP - including, for example, two 15 CD boxes of The Grateful Dead.