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G – I’ve bought stuff from St. Albans and mine also arrived freezing cold, and the only box left rattling around in an aged Sprinter van when it got to me!

Just be careful with the drawer on the CDX vis the puck and the swing-out, as it’s easy to unthinkingly nudge it at times while it’s open. Enjoy :grin:

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Thanks for that, HL. It will be fun to be able to listen to a few CDs again, as I have some which I can’t replicate on LP - including, for example, two 15 CD boxes of The Grateful Dead.


Marantz Sa-14S1


Hello Graham, I think the idea (at least with physically cold boxes, to differentiate between that and component “burn in” issues) is to put cold boxes in situ, or at least a similarly warm/moist environment to where they’ll end up, but not power them up whilst they warm up. Then any condensation forming when the warm moist air of your listening environment, hits the cold metal components of your new box of electronics, has time to evaporate again before power is applied.

To be honest I’m usually too excited/impetuous to do this, and have powered new kit up pretty much immediately after setup. I’m sure issues are fairly rare. It does seem to be a best practice used by some/many on here though.

Looking forward to hearing that your new CDP is a worthy replacement - the two boxes look very smart. My own CD5 came from Tom Tom and is still going strong and sounding fine!


I remember losing my CD puck inside the player when owning a CD5 many years ago, going against all guidance, I ended up holding the player up on its side which led to the puck dropping out. No further issues but I suspect I got lucky here!

There was a slight amount of dust on the case. Now cleaned off with some aerosol cleaner.

I consider myself very fortunate to have managed to find these new, unused components. It is not easy to find a brand new Naim CDP of this quality these days - which I, personally, think is a shame, but I’m not Naim’s Sales Manager! I think that they have walked away from CD replay too early.


The case looks scratched and door alignment looks off to me
Of course if you are happy that’s all that counts

Hello, I tried to respond to this earlier, but posted it to the wrong thread.

The marks on the casing were just dust, which I have cleaned off now. And the drawer still has the transport screw in place - the player and supply need to go up three flights of stairs.


Looks good, Graham… what is the first CD you’re going to play?

Probably my favourite album ever - Jeff Buckley’s ‘Grace’.

Or perhaps Carlos Kleiber conducting Wagner’s ‘Tristan’.

Or a Beatles album but, if so, which one?

Or a Lady GaGa album.

Or Karl Bœhm conducting Mozart.

A bit of a problem, but a nice one to have!


Don’t do yourself an injury carrying those very heavy boxes up all those stairs.

It will be interesting to see how you get on with it sound wise and a picture with it where it’s supposed to be.

I wonder what is happening to my CDS3 and when I get it back

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Indeed. Enjoy!

So @anon70766008

We all are wondering if the two boxes (CDX2.2 and XPS2 DR) made it up all those stairs to your system and if you enjoyed listening to Grace (Jeff Buckley) and your Carlos Kleiber favourites. I’m interested to hear if you are happy with your new player


Thanks, gents, for your good wishes. Boyfriend of my cleaner hasn’t turned up yet to carry those heavy ‘boxes’ upstairs for me yet.

Photo of the system as a whole will definitely appear as soon as…


I just posted the Television CD in the Music thread ‘What are you listening to …’ and thought I’d add a pic to the Disc Player thread.
Rega Isis.


My CDX & XPS came from St Albans too, I was very impressed by them. Yes it is great to listen to a few old CDs again and I don’t think you will be disappointed with your new purchase. I am delighted with mine!

I hadn’t listened to CDs (except in the car) since my old Pioneer player died some years previously, so it was great to properly rediscover them again! Happy listening Graham.

Oh by the way, I got some Danish Oil for my LP12, just haven’t done it yet.


Old Rega Apollo-R…

Not the best photo!!


CDS3 in pride of place, with PS555DR + Chord Sarum T interconnect


Finnish on the sbl’s is stunning :heart_eyes:


SACD Denon DCD-A100