Show us your headphones

They are some good looking cans!

Would you recommend the LCD-3s?

I’m currently deciding between the LCD-2 or 3.



They are Sennheiser’s HD700. Had the 650 before them.


I’ve not heard the 2, but I love my 3’s.
Someone I knew who was a Stax owner also really liked them, which was surprising to me as they’d evangelised Stax to me for years.

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I added some new actual leather better quality pads to my PM3s from Amazon after a YouTube recommendation. They sound (detail and bass) improved a lot, isolation greater, and even more comfortable. Quite a surprise.

So the latest iteration of the 600 series….

I think 700s were - discontinued - closer to the 800s without the piece tag. I used to love the 650s though but unfortunately one of the speakers failed and could not be replaced. The 700s are more detailed, better soundstage and tighter bass. Different class altogether.



For context I am 99% headphones , no amps (except the headphone amp), no speakers.

Just took delivery of HiFiMan Arya Stealth to complement my 10 year old Sennheiser HD800 both powered by my Uniti Atom HE

The Arya are still on the 6.3 cable provided, the Sennheiser on a 4 pin XLR through the back port .

Still early days for the Arya since they suggest 150 hr burn in , but first reactions are very promising the bass is much more pronounced than the HD800. I can see a split Arya for Rock , HD800 for classical but lets not jump to conclusions.

There are hours of prevarication , and enjoyment , to come yet …

In the wings are Bose QC15 , Bose QC25 , Sony WH1000 MX4 and Sony WF1000 MX4 (IEM) (bought because I had to wear a neck collar for 8 weeks and other headphones wouldn’t fit). They are remarkably good , I was surprised.

The Sony’s get used on BT for travel, holidays and power cuts ( !! ) , the QC25 via an Audioquest Dragonfly Red normally in the study.

All fed from Roon on a NUC/ROCK on ethernet.


The HD700 has sadly gone , I auditioned the HD700 vs HD800 10 years back when I retired . My wife decided I needed a new pair of headphones. :smiling_imp:

They were different the 800 won really on detail resolution and I eventually chose the HD800 with absolutely no regrets , as above I have just added a HiFiMan Arya Stealth to the mix


It’s interesting to read what you say about headphones listening.
About 3 months ago, I went through a thought process of getting rid of my SN3 amplifier along with the HiCap DR and just listening on my headphones.

I have an Atom HE and an Icon Audio headphone amplifier with Focal Clear MG and Celestee headphones. The Icon amp. is attached to the SN3.

My loudspeakers are 20 years old B and W probably passed their best. I realise, that it’ll take me a few years to save up for a decent pair and at the age of 69, I don’t think I want to.

The speakers do intrude into a smallish living room, 1.3 metres from the front wall, getting rid would please- I think - my wife.

I decided to see what the preowned prices for the SN3 and HiCap were on eBay and gave the idea up.

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Sunday mood with some maintenance while listening to hipster playlist by DJ . So damn chill with my only can.


Yeah… ex 2 channel system user here as well.

I’m now 100% headphones. The sound quality that can be achieved with headphones is incredible. I love soundstage, imaging and musicality… technicals are important but are nothing if you’re not tapping your feet… or waving your arms :crazy_face:



Here’s how it looks for me at the moment. I love winter… the nights draw in and Philips Hue sets the scene. Single malt in hand and great music. Couldn’t be better :pray:


Lovely photo.

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We’ve all been there , WAF is real.

I had Quad ESL 63 , they sorta dominate a room, for various reasons they were replaced by a 5.1 system Quad 21/11 s, eventually were getting ready to downsize and sell so the speakers went.

Eventually the 5.1 went as with it the speakers , we put a hi end Samsung sound bar on the TV

When I retired my wife bought me (allowed me to buy) a really good pair of headphones Sennheiser HD800 and the latterly I bought the Uniti Atom HE , and last week the HiFiman Arya Stealths

A very compact system and wow what a sound (the caveat is 73 year old ears …), the new Arya’s are still too young to call but a sounding wonderful

Other than the leaky open back headphones I have a happy wife !!


I’m sort of thinking about going 100% headphones but not sure a Uniti Atom HE would be better than my current setup which is CDX/XPS, LP 12, Node2/Chord Qtest, 82/Supercap, Headline/HC and Sennheiser HD 820….250 and SBLs which are quite old now.
So was thinking about ditching the 250 and speakers and perhaps getting a better headphone amp….any views and recommendations would be appreciated….

By all means get a better headphone (I suggest STAX or Grados), but you will regret selling your amp and loudspeakers.



What they?