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That is great news … goan yersel’ Tig!

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For what it’s worth we had a cat (the one in my avatar) that had exactly that diagnosis and one and a half tablets of prednisolone every day for a month totally fixed that problem, although she had to have half a tablet a day for the next five years to keep her skin comfortable. The specialist said her improvement from the one visit to the next four weeks later was “astonishing”.

So fingers crossed, but I think it should be ok!

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He is still quite an old dog. We actually don’t know - as his age was uncertain when we re-homed him, from the Dog’s Trust. They said he was 2 - but the Vet said he was only 1… He is now around 12 or more…!

Thanks for the positive vibes…! He was seen today, by the Emergency Vets. He already had an appointment for this problem, on Monday - which my ex is still going to keep. Hopefully he may have improved a bit by then…!

(She can afford to pay the Vets, as she got most of my money in the divorce… :crazy_face: )

Emergency vets are very expensive. But specialists are worse. My last bill for a two night stay and diagnostics for a cat where the final report basically said “beats me guv”, cost £4300. The cat got better on his own at home eventually.


This was just a quick in-and-out… But plus Meds costs… £1000- ??

The same visit I just referred to started with an in and out of the emergency vets. That was £500. Mind you that included full blood analysis on the premises, which only took 15 mins…

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Tig is only a Jack Russell… Small Dog discount…? £250…???

My cat was smaller than Tig I guess. The charge to see a vet for 15 mins out of hours is like £250, even if it’s a rat! Plus diagnostics, further vet time, drugs, VAT etc


Lols… Prob £300+ then…!

Or… about the cost of a used Linn Lingo Mk1… :crazy_face:

Sausage fell asleep mid clean :relaxed:


Lenny update… He’s now 20 weeks old, and is truly the loveliest sweetest boy you could ever meet…

….although his brother Louis doesn’t always think so…

…but is generally very protective. This was the moment Lenny got up on the roof, and Louis went up to see what was going on, staying there until we got Lenny down….


Our two Maine Coon kittens are nearly 8 months old. Billy (the red tabby) is only 90 grams lighter than our ten year old MC Freddie.

Here are Billy and Poppy in the garden a few days ago.


Tig Update… :worried:

Tig has sadly got worse - and is back at the Vets. They now think he has a Brain Tumour - he has lost a lot of weight. My son is on a train back from Bristol, to be with his Mother, who has looked after Tig in recent years. I am meeting my son from the train - and going to the Vets.

You can guess the rest… :cry:


So sorry to read this. Devastating when the time comes to let them go.


So sorry to hear about Tig.


Very sorry to hear that. These are very difficult decisions. I know of what I speak…


They say that no parent should live to witness the passing of their child and pets could also be considered an extension of our children. I wish you strength of resolve during this difficult period and love and support for your family :relaxed:


Thank you. Tig became my ex’s dog. I have not seen much of him, recently.
I am just supporting my son…


Oh no. So sorry to hear that Ian. I hope things go as best as they can in the circumstances.


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