Show us your pets

Badger not impressed with ‘solid air’ …


Pixie: “That bl00dy squirrel is back”
Zebedee: "What’s he doing?
P: “Burying peanuts in the lawn.”
Z: “Cheeky s0d! I’ll go out and poop on them.”

Edit: this could almost have gone in the “pets & system” thread…they are sat on the right hand Isobarik!


I have said before that Coco is not our cat, but she does seem to like wandering in through any open door or window (including the bathroom window on the roof). She also seems to know when I’m trying to evict her. To avoid eviction, here she has squeezed under a chest of drawers.


Good morning @Pete_the_painter .
Was thinking of you and hope you’re coping with the loss of Diesel. As you know we lost Skye 3 months ago and it still hurts like mad. We are not in a position to get another dog but it’s inevitable we will at the earliest opportunity. We need a dog as part of our lives.
The house is so quiet which is strange because she was not a noisy dog. Just content to lie there close by.
Have you got plans to get another dog? I know it wouldn’t replace Diesel but sometimes we need that something only a pet can give.


And a good evening to you, thanks for asking. I know it’ll get better and there was nothing more we could do but it still hurts. We moved into this house with him it was always the 3 of us and now it feels odd him not being here. I keep looking for him and checking to see if he’s under my feet or chair. I’ve also realised he was our connection to the street as well, everyone knew him. We miss him every day.

We’ll probably rescue another but not for a few months and most likely another blue cattle dog. Cheers.


I was going to post this a few weeks ago but for obvious reasons I didn’t. I ran in to a contractor who had done some work at home for us a few years ago. He was so fond of Diesel he decided to get a blue cattle dog (Diesel loved anyone in hi vis).


The cold weather we are having at present means that the kittens have started to appreciate being indoors, even though they can go out if they want to. This was a day or two ago…


@Pete_the_painter sorry to read about your recent loss of Diesel he was a good pal and will be missed on forum.

Poppy and Ziggy


Pluto out and about this morning


Went away for a couple of days last week. Got lucky with the weather and the new pups really enjoyed the beach. Quite hard to get all 5 red setters in the same frame!


Unexpectedly, this little chap will come to our home in about two months.

My kids wanted a dog for a very long time, I am trying to become a better person and this is part of the therapy. We shall see.

His name is Nipper.


A very good name!!

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Is he an English Springer Spaniel ? :heart:

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That looks so fragile. I think owning and caring for a pet does make you a better person. Look forward to seeing more photos. Cheers.


In no time he will look like this…


I think a Jack Russell Terrier.

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Arh…well, in that case he won’t soon look like my 'Springer

Enjoy :wink:



Jack Russells have a wicked sense of humour.

Friend of mine had one that had a favourite trick. He would take a brussels sprout out of the veg basket and place it in the middle of the dining room floor. When someone bent to pick it up he would rush out from under the side board and nip them on the bum. :smiley:


Perfect for us.