Show us your pets

That’s a brilliant suggestion David. Well done.

Two dogs are actually less work than one, as they keep each other amused and happy…


Same with cats, if they are “indoor kitties”. Pixie has been bored since Marble died, and the old codger Zebedee “is no fun, all he does is sleep!”

So we are now looking for another tortie Burmese; hopefully a rescue/rehome, but we might have to resort to a kitten………or two :scream_cat:


According to GlassofWhite kittens come in pairs. (Cos they keep each other amused)

Shall we get a kitten to join Wusa (the moggy) she said, I fancy a Blue British Shorthair said I, went to breeder Stanley (Blue) climbed into my lap and Albus (cream) clambered into GoW’s
So 1 cat became 3.
The old boy left us and his replacement kitten was Dazzle (Blue and White) and Chester the variant Lilac arrived from 2 different breeders
So 2 became 4.
We lost Dazzle suddenly and Toby arrived - the exception to the rule.
Chester also left us suddenly and his replacement came in to form of Leo (Blue and White) and Harley (lilac).
So 5.

We lost Albus to old age a couple of weeks ago at 18 years.

No replacement kitten yet as we think Stan the Man at 18 might not be too happy with whippersnappers.
Apart from that 6 is fast approaching pathological levels.

There must be a name for this this type of mathematical progression

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Over a very expensive lunch I did try to convince Mrs Pete that we need 2 dogs, but she’s definitely not on board. Just bought some local alcoholic apple cider to take back to our accommodation hopefully that might do the trick.


Storming up there Pete ? SYDNEY getting drenched

We just had a lot of noise and little rain, but it looks like another is coming.

I find, at least in our case, that asking for forgiveness is way easier than for permission. YMMV

That said, we may have taken it a tad too far this last time… we were made aware of a little 2yr old chap in Malawi that was in need of love and a good home and he is now on his way to us. Not a pet, granted, a little human but this serves as warning for those of you who foster and adopt puppies and cats… it’s a slippery slope :wink:


That’s far more important than a cat or dog. Mrs Pete would say yes to that at a drop of a hat.


Photo taken 7th February 2021

It’s been 3 months since Morphy went missing on 7th September.
Still very much missed here, the 3 supremes and myself still hold out every hope that he is still alive but lost out there somewhere, and one fantastic day soon he will somehow return safely to the homestead :broken_heart:




A crummy iCamera photo taken in poor light, but a photo of a somewhat “stoned” Old Codger (aged 17):

Drugged up**, and been to the Supervets today for a full heart scan.

**in an attempt to stop him sinking his very fine canines into anyone (which he has been known to do when he gets pi$$ed off!)

Verdict from Matteo our Cardio vet, “See you this time next year.”

We’ll take that…

Zebby: Ooooh, noms!

Me: They’re Pixie’s noms.

Zebby: And your point is?


Rio likes to think he is Superman when he naps.


Koby playing doorman


Meg getting her daily cardio workout … her and her brother (Mo) used to slide down this rather wide top to the banister. Meg was smart enough to jump off before the bottom whilst her brother would stay on board and eventually shoot off the end into the wall at the bottom. We thought him doing it once would be enough, but apparently not.

So we stuck stair treads onto the hand rail and it became a favorite way of them getting up to the loft …

The summit from where they can look down on the little people …


As it’s almost Christmas, this snap of my daughter’s lovely cocker spaniel Ralph “helping” choose the Christmas tree today seems appropriate.


Nice. I see Ralph has had his highlights done for Christmas. :slightly_smiling_face:


He’s gorgeous, is he pure cocker or is there a bit of springer in there?

After I lost my last dog who was my very first dog. We wanted to get a rescue after learning how bad puppy farms are. We were told we don’t qualify because we both work. Therefore, we set out to get one from a breeder. The breeder we found had two. One of them is not considered handsome. He has a floating rib that sticks out and a longer face. So he gave us a good discount and we bought both of them. He is a fantastic dog and much more healthier than his sister with much nicer coat. Of course they are loving the companionship of each other.

In fact, from time to time, my better half talks about getting a third because the girl isn’t nearly as active as the boy. She wants a play buddy for him. :sweat_smile:


To be honest I’m not totally convinced he’s pure cocker, although he is supposed to be and they saw vet’s reports etc. In any case he is great and the family loves him. We get more photos of him on Whatsapp than we do of the grandchildren!