Show us your pets

Yes. Actually they are far more obvious than that when the grandkids comb them over his face!

Back to the Blackhead path with Zhukov. Here he is pointing out the recent storm damage.



Wow……thought that metalwork would survive😬

10 years ago…

On a freezing cold Saturday morning of 10th December 2011, i arrived at the local Cat Rescue Centre to collect three kittens; as previously arranged after visiting there a few days earlier.

Although my original request was only for two kittens… when i arrived at the Cat Rescue place the lady there said that the mother is spoken for; has someone in waiting for adoption (after the kittens have gone), however two of the kittens are very healthy but one has a heart murmur and looks weak and feeble, so she recommended the healthy pair.

…But how could i leave a small weak kitten behind in the bitter cold, all alone in the world, mother and sisters gone? :crying_cat_face:

Fortunately this dilemma ended very well, there was plenty of room in the bus for three, and besides could do with that cute little third kitten with my need of rescuing.

Photo above (taken 2nd December 2011) shows the two “healthy kittens” sat in the doorway, (Disa and Frieda).
The “weak kitten” (Edda), sat back in the box, as mother (Mandy) proudly looks on.


Harvey has a heart murmur too, he’s 16 and it doesn’t seem to have affected his health in any obvious way.


A vet told me that it depends upon the level of heart-murmur.
Edda’s is a 3 on the scale, which i think is sort of fare to middling, however the good news is her heart murmur is not getting worse.
Ten years ago, at six months old, Edda was obviously smaller than her two sisters. The problem seemed to be her difficultly in getting her fare share of the food before her sisters gobbled it up, this however was easily sorted out with a few days of separated feeding sessions which gave her the energy and strength to muscle in at feeding times.

Edda is a fine healthy cat as far as i’m concerned. Ten and a half years old now and looking good. Photo below is Edda in July 2021


Zebedee has always had a heart murmur. At age 5, the vet gave him three months…….

Fast forward 12 years and he had another heart murmur - see post 3174 :smiley_cat:

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‘So, you can carry on working or you can pay me some attention, feed me and just say fukkit for the day…’


Absence makes the heart grow fonder!

And, it seems, the hound run faster.


This thread would not be the same without Orson


Thank you. I had a three week work trip.

Home : good
Bath : less good
Bone : good again.


LOL, Orson gets even more posts than Zebedee:

:dog2: :dog2: :pouting_cat:


Tis Christmas


Summer cut for our pooches. Look at how shabby and tired they looked before… :sweat_smile:

Sorry for poor quality mobile pics. :relieved:


Makes me think of how often I remember pets’ name rather than owners’ name at dog park, etc. :joy:


Lovely :blush:

Thank you. :blush: It is a battle of wills requiring much patience. They were so excited afterwards they sprint around the house like crazy. The boy also messed up his bed and his sister’s. I don’t know if he was excited or too traumatized that he needed to let off some steam. I am choosing to believe he was ecstatic. :upside_down_face:

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Fraggle looking fed up

Port old Archie bless him gone blind in one eye but still loving life

And poppy (smooth coat ) with pip fire bathing


Sad day. I have had to let the old boy pass on.

The cancer on the side of his face was the one of his ailments that took him. We just couldn’t keep the wound clean and wholesome.
He took his time wandering into the surgery. Sniff here,pee there.
The girls were kind and to go surrounded by women was probably his best possible send off. Apart from a last dinner of Spam.

God speed and thank you old timer. I enjoyed those two and a half years.
Not sure what I will do with myself now.


So sad, but he has had a great two and half years, thanks to you. He was a wonderful character and myself and Mrs T loved seeing and hearing about him on this forum. He was an honorary member and he will be missed by us all. He will always be there with you, living on in your memory. Take care.