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Having said that if you are going to rent for a while it can potentially limit properties available

But cross that bridge wouldn’t let that hold back the decision

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Mrs Pete is going to take a little convincing, I might have to take her out for dinner.


Well make it somewhere posh :+1:

So it won’t involve a drive thru. :rofl:

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Yes you need to step it up from your usual style

Another Heeler Pete? They are special!

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I love them, they’re loyal and intelligent. Unfortunately a lot people who’ve never owned one seem to have negative opinion. Shame if treated well they are great family dogs.



Reposting this photo. We found Minet dead this morning. She was old and not doing well the last few months, it was her time at 19 years from which she has been healthy and happy the most of them.


Oh I am very sorry, 19 years is a very good age, and I hope you don’t mind me saying (walking on eggshells here - and hoping this causes no offence) but you were saved that last trip to the vet, and hopefully she died peacefully at home


Sorry to read the news, imo longer you have them the more they’re missed.


Its never easy losing a loved pet. They become so much a part of our daily lives. At least she was loved and had a happy life.


So sorry to hear that news Ardbeg. Sometimes wonder if it best they go naturally or for us to make decision for them. Painful either way.Best wishes


So sorry to hear of your sad news🙏

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Very sorry to read that unhappy news.

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So sorry to hear that. We lost our 19 year old listening companion last March and know just how painful is the loss.


FWIW I’ll chuck in my 6p worth (or 2 thruppenny bits) some dogs like stability and don’t like change so that would be argument to wait till your settled in new home.
Then again you may have already crossed the line where resistance will be futile. :sunglasses:

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And you need to prepare for being assimilated

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Sorry to hear the news Ardbeg. I’m sure she was much loved by you during her life. Farewell Minet.

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This is a very young puppy though, so it won’t know about stability and change. Life will just be one huge adventure for a year or so.


Sorry for your loss, 19 is a good innings for a cat, and at least Minet passed away peacefully at home where she was loved. Seems like there is so much heart ache and empathy over the past year or so with so many of us here losing a treasured pet.