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How sad, so sorry.

Oh Ian I’m so sorry hope everything is ok. Take care.

She’s on methadone and oxygen, the real risk is her kidneys. Not good.

Thanks for concern

Best wishes



Sorry to hear that, hope she recovers.


Very sad , hope she pulls through.

Thank you ,she has a Saddle Thrombus and most cats die from this .

I got her on 6th December 2012 she came to me with a broken tail and a deep distrust of people . She hid and this is the first I saw of her on 18th December 2012

Yesterday at the vets I was quite calm, I am now very upset


Thats dreadful, thinking of you and your beloved feline friend🙏

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Sorry to read this.

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So sorry to read this … … … positive thoughts winging their way to you both.


So sorry Ian. I hope she pulls through

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That sounds quite nasty. Stout heart,my old mate and let’s all hope.

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They have more or less recommended euthanasia

I am no good at hard decisions .


Ian I’m so sorry these are the hard decisions that comes with sharing your life with our furry friends. Ultimately you have to do what’s best for them. Thinking of you.


I’m very sorry to hear this Ian. Making these decisions is always very hard, especially when they have been part of your life for such a long time. Ultimately I think it’s about the quality of life of your pet and knowing you did the right thing in that regard is important. Whatever the right thing turns out to be.


So sorry Ian.

I know that it’s absolutely no consolation to you in your grief, but whenever we have been faced with making that impossible decision we have reconciled ourselves with the sense that it’s a gift we can offer a much loved companion to relieve their suffering.

Doesn’t make it any easier though.



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Ian, I really feel for you at this moment. Having had to go though the same process a couple of years ago, it’s one of the hardest decision’s I have ever had to make, lt’s about the quality of life for your pet and knowing you eased their suffering.


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I think I will drive over and see her one last time …

She is by all accounts sedated

We went through this ourselves a few months ago with one of our cats. Sending you very best wishes and as others have said do the right thing for your pet. hoping for a miracle for you both.

Oh mate, that is so sad.
We had to do that for one of ours some years ago.
I went and saw her then left and phoned them from the car park to give permission. I just couldn’t do it whilst I was there.
Even when we know it’s the right thing to do, it’s so hard to let them go.


Stay with her Ian, I’m sure they know. Take care.