Show us your pets

We have had to had our last 2 cats put down. We opted to have both done at more and to be with them. It was horrific, but, in the long run I am glad we were there for them at the end. It also gave us closure and a chance to say goodbye. No shame in doing the opposite though it is down to what you feel is the right thing to do


The joy and fun of life can very quickly become the hellish nightmare of ill health, suffering and pain, and not only for cats and dogs but us humans too. In such tragic circumstances of a stricken beloved pet cat, euthanasia becomes the liberator from the cruel drama of a slowly played out death.
The pain is represented by the separation of loved ones, and this is of course inevitable in the case of true and deep fondness, something only time and understanding can comfort.


I went to see her one last time , she was heavily sedated . I talked a load of gibberish to her but was told not to be upset in front of her.

I now have a glass of brandy in front of me and a tear in my eye


Sorry Ian, I know there’s no words that can make it better. Take care.

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Liking your post seems somewhat inappropriate, but anyway I did that to express my condolences and support for you at a very difficult time.


So sorry, but you did the very best throughout her life, brave man, brave feline friend……take care.

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Me too. So sorry Ian

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My heart goes out to you. Bereavement is so hard to bear.

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So sorry Ian, take care and enjoy the good memories


Sorry to hear your news.

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Sorry to hear, all the best!

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Sorry sounds so inadequate, but I send my very best wishes. Us pet lovers all know what you’re going through.


Very sorry to read this @Ian2001. Looking at this pic and the one you posted before, she obviously trusted and loved you. My thoughts and prayers to you and family. Please take care.


Thanks to everybody.

Best wishes



The car has returned from fitting of a new cam belt and service. Obviously the work has to be checked.

Jaime is a big cat, but not as big as this picture implies!


Our previous cat hated Tchaikovsky’s Pathetique. I could put on any music, but even the first bars of the Pathetique made her quickly leave the house.


Our sons girlfreinds is staying with us for a while , so nana her banana ball python has come to ,

And a gecko ,but that’s very shy


In the final stage of assembling your “cut and shut cat” take care to ensure that the front and rear halves are correctly aligned.



Very sad. Really sorry Ian.

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Sorry to hear this Ian - my heartfelt good wishes to you.

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