Show us your pets

Wave your paws in the air like you just don’t care

Lyra doing the whole rag doll thing🙂


I can beat that: Freddie a couple of years ago started producing mega amounts of evil-smelling dribble, that would hang inches from his mouth and land on your face when he came to say hello in the middle of the night. After a month our vet said they didn’t know what was causing it. So, we were referred:

The specialist referral hospital did scans and numerous other investigations and the specialist in “small animal internal medicine” wrote a report. It arrived by email. The short version is: “Freddie is producing excessive amounts of drool, for unknown reasons.” The bill £4500. To be paid now please.

We still don’t know what caused the dribble. It got better on its own after another month or so. But PenPlan paid most of it promptly.

I could hazard a guess at which referral clinic it was LOL

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I was a complete novice to pet insurance and spoke with a few friends who have it. The one who had Pet Plan was the happiest with it and advised I got a lifetime policy, which means that if they get a chronic condition the insurance continues to cover it. The Rescue also gave me a month of free insurance coverage with Pet Plan and I was able to convert that into a lifetime policy and also got a month free cover too. Hopefully, it will be in effect wasted money and the insurance company will make a vast profit from me and the kittens for many years to come.

Pet insurance and vet bills are strangely reminiscent of the US healthcare system and just add to my feeling of good fortune to have had the NHS providing my care over the last several years.


It was Lumbry Park…

That’s a new one………

There’s “big bucks” in the business.

I think from previous posting we had a shared experience with Anderson Moors, which in our case ended with them euthanising our four year old cat.

Yep, in our case Marble & Zebedee. But now, in happier times:


and Coralee:


My experience was identical and Pet Plan covered my rapid and heavy bills and paid them very efficiently

I pick up Mrs Houdini’s ashes on Saturday .


All five Russells were never insured. Albert,the last,had any care maintained by Dogs Trust. He was never fully owned by me,

I always put a theoretical £499.99 per annum in a sock to cover any major problems but never had to spend it. Even Sunday afternoon in Bergerac back knee dislocation was handled privately,well and cheaply after being shown where the cash point was located.

I enjoyed the comments about animal insurance costs rising with the beasts’ age. This comes as a complete surprise to a well over 80 years old human.




The kitten’s exploration of the great outdoors continues. Yesterday I opened up the house at around 12. Sakli and Latika went out slowly and cautiously. After about 5 mins they both went in different directions. Latika initially explores the garden, and Sakli immediately disappears from the garden. Both touch base within the hour. Sakli returns again at 2 ish and wants lunch and then snoozes all afternoon.

Latika had popped back around 1:15 and I saw him just after 3 but he was a kitten on a mission. He then disappeared until gone 6, by which time I was beginning to get a bit anxious. When he returned he was very avoidant in much the same way he was when I first adopted him, he wouldn’t come in whilst I was in the conservatory. I went out the side door and around to the garden and he had walked in through the conservatory and was skittishly sniffing about the house before going to eat his late lunch. He then went to snooze in the cat cave in my bedroom, 15 mins later, I was in there putting some laundry away when I was summoned over by his stroke me chirrup. Overnight he woke me up twice for strokes and today has been very affectionate.

I think it is safe to say that both of them know how to find their way back home from wherever they wander to. The next step is taping the cat flap open and letting them find their own way out and in, though if it is nice the two sets of doors onto the patio are likely to be open as well. Not today though as the weather here is foul, wet and very windy.


The black one is Kato to the ginger’s Clouseau. Seen here looking for a vantage point from which to spring a surprise attack.

Not now Babushka!


The received wisdom is that I should leave him alone.

But actually he wants sausages. And a walk. And more sausages.




Well, I unlocked the cat flap yesterday and it turns out I forgot about locking for overnight. Oops. I am unsure if either went out but suspect Latika might have done looking back as he woke me up before 5 am wanting loads of strokes. I was sitting in the conservatory at about 12 today, reading and wondering when I should unlock the cat flap again when I heard and saw Latika strolling out of it. I thought well he knows how to get out and will likely be back for lunch. Just after one, I saw him sitting under the decking steps so called him for lunch and much to my surprise he scooted in through it and was waiting for me in the kitchen when I got there. Hopefully, he will teach Sakli how to use it too.


Eventually they will come and get you when they decide it’s time for breakfast / lunch / dinner / supper…….

(As I was typing this, Jasmine jumped onto my wife’s lap….obviously “her bowl is empty”… :smile_cat: :smile_cat: )

Latika will appear in the kitchen if he thinks I should be preparing his food rather than whatever I am doing. Sakli on the other hand waits until he hears the pouch being opened and appears. Being veggie they don’t kitchen hover when I am cooking my food unless it is when they are normally fed, and my other cats were the same. Friends talk about how their cats are always in the kitchen when cooking is happening but none of mine have done this.

Poppy and Orson trying their best to manoeuvre their new ‘stick’.


Actually although we aren’t vegetarian, our cats also don’t hang around in the kitchen while we are cooking. I think this is taught behaviour rather than instinct.

On the other hand, if no-one is around, the kitchen worktop is a convenient place to hang out…