Show us your pets

This is Josh, nickname is Sausage. Regularly called Joshington Von Sausages (he’s a GSP x)

We also have Esta, also known and Esti-Pesti or just plain Pestilence.


Someone has been dropping their toys into the well, again.



Cold and wet so I thought I might watch a bluray this afternoon.

But the chair seems to be occupied.

Rattle the Dreamies bag in the kitchen and see who is fastest back up the stairs to the tv room.




Straight off the camera, no editing whatsoever. Pedro enjoying a post-hunt snooze.


Scott Metzger who drew the cartoon is a wonderful cartoonist , he managed to encapsulate Mrs Houdini on many occasions

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Another of Scott Metzger’s:

This one is amusing for us because we visited a carpet store last year, and the salesman asked what colour were we thinking about. I said “sandy-beige”, my wife commented “cat sick colour”.


Harvey has been suffering with a skin allergy, so medication, change of food, ointments and then today the big one. Dog bath day.

Seemed to enjoy the drying process more than the bath.

and finally the sad face at the door.


I have cat problems.
Brisket had an ear infection so I popped her to the vet.
The cat was chipped and of course they had to contact the owner.
The owner has known where the cat was for the past nine months but they refused to allow me to be involved deciding to reclaim the cat.
The animal has been handed back to them on several occasions.

So I left her with the vet awaiting their collection and payment for the ear infection treatment.

Legally I understand but I feel unhappy for both cat and myself.

Strange world.


One of our rescue cats from Egypt upped and moved out a few years ago. He moved to a house half a mile up the road.
We tried bringing him home, but he didn’t want to live with us. He now lives with Tanya and her 3 female cats and that’s that…:man_shrugging:t2:


She’ll be back

Cats have a mind of their own and they are territorial

best wishes


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Yep, we had that when I was a kid. A young Tom showed up on our doorstep and moved in with us and the other cats.

A few years later he disappeared.

Then spotted him a while later, he’d moved in somewhere else down the road with a lady who had more cats!

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Suggest render an invoice for ‘keeping of cat’ for the last 9m’s :grin:

We all await the ‘Brisket is back’ post!


The cat is always free to return - and I am sure will

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…or explore beyond their own household, as this little scamp does. I know his name and where he ‘lives’, and have discussed his antics with his ‘primary carer’, who revealed it’s not only chez-HL which gets regular visits :grin:

He’s often waiting on the opening of the front door in the morning and, if not, he runs from ~20 yards away in expectation of getting some crunchies and fresh water (I know I shouldn’t but…it’s only a few).

He’s taken a while to get to know, has claws like talons and isn’t shy in deploying them!


Apologies - these are not mine, but I could not help smiling.


Lucky looks younger and younger as she gets older (unlike my wife - now I’ll have to run away quickly)


You Sir, are a very brave man, or a fool. :grin:


Probably the latter. When she reads this, she will secretly exchange the NACA5 for Kimber…

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If it were my wife probably exchange it for my small intestine.:upside_down_face:

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