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That’s bad news.


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Aaargh! That’s a shame, so sorry. Our previous cat Milo was identical to Bernard and he was a mischievous and adventurous cat, probably to his detriment as he vanished after 11 months, not knowing what happened to him was difficult.

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So sad, I lost my own cat very suddenly last month.

Still get upset

best wishes


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How sad - thoughts with you.

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Lovely to see the happy hens again, the contrast with the post from Ardbeg10y shows both sides of sharing our lives with animals.

best wishes



How very tragic and awful for you all. So very sorry to hear this. My sincere best wishes.

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Terrible news. Not sure how I would cope with a sudden loss like that😕

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Ghastly for you - so sorry! Lovely pictures to remember him by.

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So sorry to hear this @Ardbeg10y

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Very sorry to hear this.
He looked so sweet and young too.
At least his body was found, and brought home for a decent burial which will help with closure :broken_heart:


That’s very sad.
We have lost a few that way over the years.
Play that Organ LOUD for him… :cry:


I’m really sorry to hear this, i share my sincere condolences


Abigail doesn’t know what to do with a bully stick (I guess that makes me a bad parent). She wandered through every room with it hanging from her mouth, like Triumph the insult comic dog’s cigar, just daring the other dogs to go for it. Eventually she settled on this pose, guarding it.


She looks very cute.


Princess Tofu relaxing after breakfast:

Wishing everyone a lovely start to the week :smiling_face:


My mother’s cat, Moby. Has not been overjoyed by the 38 degree heat last week but is happy now it’s ‘only’ 25.

Anyway he’s been a naughty boy so
is in the suspects lineup. Six foot tall in his ears.


What to do… What to do…

Look who has just turned up in the garden.
She looks really skinny and unsure of herself. I am not sure about the ear but it looks ok.
The owner said I should shoo her away if she comes back but we seem to be broken in spirit,almost aifferent animal. She seems frightened to come in the back door.

I will leave the door open. She can make the first move (which I suppose is being in the garden)

Shall I or shan’t I


She’s our smallest at 39lbs but is unquestionably the alpha. A German Shepherd/Chihuahua mix she seems to have the best qualities of both breeds. Of course I’m not biased :slight_smile:

It’s not you that’s unhappy with her, it’s not her that’s unhappy being with you.

When I was working away (and also poorly , with time in hospital) , I had a cat - a Bengal . Eventually it decided to set itself up in a barn , every so often I would go looking for her, find her. Bring her back , she would be as thin as a rake and ravenous.

I would keep her indoors for a couple of weeks , but eventually I would open the door and she would hang around , then disappear .

One really hot day I had this very strong urge to go and find her, but it was being hot and I ignored it .

She was found dead that evening, by the road .

Mrs Houdini was the complete opposite, I was told she could be a house cat, but after three months I coaxed her outside. As people know I was heartbroken (still am very upset) at her passing.

But cats have a mind of their own, and you cannot tell a cat where it must live

best wishes

PS I knew Brisket would return
PPS You may shoo her away, but she won’t go back


It’s such a shame our lovely friends don’t stay with us as long as we would like, we lost our beautiful whippet in June, I still think of her everyday and miss her terribly.