Show us your pets

There’s no pleasing some.

She’s spent the last week complaining it’s too hot.


Looks properly grumpy!


Another view from Kilkenny towards the Malverns.


The Pip doing cat things, Sometimes I have to wonder why?


Watch out for those bag handles - we had a cat that would get herself tangled up in the handles and then tear through the house in a panic, bag in tow, causing havoc!

The kitties do like a paper bag; we think it’s the rustling noise the bags make when jumped in/on etc. :grin:

Though we always cut the handles.

My 3 sister cats really fear the sound of bag rustling noises and they run and hide.

I’ve always suspected it reminds them of a bag they were tied up in as kittens, and fought their way out of as it floated down the River Severn…


That’s awful :disappointed: how people can that I do not know

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I thought I’d picked a good builder for our project and that was confirmed when he bought Theo the 18 month old German shepherd to site this morning. Gorgeous gentle and huge, I tried to convince him to come home with me but it wouldn’t leave his masters side.


He’s beautiful.

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He certainly is and very obedient which is good thing cause his the biggest shepherd I’ve seen for years.


Yep, they were removed shortly after the pic was taken, she has taken to sleeping in it but still ignores her igloo bed :joy:


On yesterday’s trip to the recycling centre, with the rear of the car stuffed with bags of hedge clippings, Zhukov was promoted to the front seat.

He seemed transfixed watching someone attempt, in clear defiance of the laws of physics, to stuff a duvet into the “clothes bank”. Perhaps he, unlike them, had noticed the “No Duvets” stencilled on the front of the clothes bank.

With collies you never can tell.



Pedro after spending most of the night outside. I think he appreciates the smart cat flap as much as I do.


I’m sure nothing so ghastly actually happen to my cats; just my furtive imagination while watching them get spooked and panicky every time i change the kitchen bin-liner :scream_cat:

My trio originate from a ferrel birth on a farm, the story being they got collected by the local Cat Rescue at 3 months old, and mother and her five brood all found good homes within the following 3 months.
They’re very lucky cats, from what i hear about the hardship and short life-span of local farm cats. Too many farmers are only happy to let them breed and exist without any helpful interaction, no cuddles, breakfast, dinner, and evening meal, all very uncivilised.


Came in thru the utility room window last night. Twice I put it in the garden and twice it came back in and slept on the kitchen stove.

Owners told and explained they must live with the cat’s desires and not their own. Nine months it was here and they gave not a toss.

Obviously been restrained for the period of her absence.

Neither the cat or I need this stress.


Really difficult sutuation Nick and a lovely cat. I hope it works out OK.

Lyra was a rescue cat and the previous owners gave her up because the neighbours were supposidly trying to steal her and kept locking her in the house. She is so friendly with strangers that I worry similar will happen again.

I think cat guardians just have to accept that their charges are independent and will make their own decissions. Even if an owner has paid money for the cat, they are not possesions. Usually a cat will only seek out alternative accomodation if there is something they are not happy about.


The owner has collected the cat and we have come to an agreement that if it turns up on my doorstep once more he WILL make his partner understand that he,me and the cat cannot tolerate this behaviour.

ASI said before gently,gently.


Sounds like progress!

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Dear, departed Dillweed telling us that we were not going away without her