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Molly the Sproodle. I call her a hybrid but my partner says she’s a mongrel!


Our 17 yo Mino in ultimate relaxation mode.


Yes, we do. Both boys, Charlie is 15 now and is tan. Bobby is 10 and blue and tan. We had another one, Jake but we had to have put to sleep 2 years ago, he was 18, poor old boy.

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@Martin.M Our last Border died 2 years ago aged almost 18 and we said he would be our last. They are difficult to resist and Bute is helping us through difficult times. She is our first Blue and tan. Have you got up to date pics of your two. Thanks . Graham

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They hard to resist aren’t they.

Charlie in the right hand listening chair, while Bobby can’t make his mind up.


Lovely Martin

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Pip and myself being daft and poppy doing begging pose off to a tee.


Granddaughter with Poppy and SL2s.


Billy quite relaxed, between meals.


What a lovely pic❤️


They each have their own wee character.

Charlie is so protective and dare anyone who comes through the gate! Like in this pic, I can imagine him telling Bobby, now anyone and I mean anyone who comes in here…attack!

He has actually quite a tally. He has had 2 friends of mine, our plumber, a neighbour, the Water Board lady and a female police officer. I think that’s all.

Bobby on the other hand has that strong Border trait of escaping! He got the reputation by the dog warden as a serial offender! But more than that, when he was a pup I nearly stepped on him, but at the last moment I was able to avoid him, by hitting the floor and breaking my wrist, which according to Mrs M was acceptable.

Two years later I was cutting the hedges with my long reach petrol trimmer, when I accidentally choked it out. Thinking I needed a refill I set it on the grass to get more fuel. When I turned back I noticed Bobby licking his front leg surrounded by a lot of blood, so it was an emergency vet call and the best part of £400!

About 6-8 weeks ago Bobby was definitely not himself, being sick, drinking a lot and peeing an awful lot. We took him to the vets to to find out was was wrong and if there was something underlying that needed attention. So after a selection of tests and £505 poorer the results came back clear. Which is great of course, but I do wonder if he is having a laugh at me!


All you Border fans obviously enjoyed Colin From Accounts. :grin:


This does remind me of taking our suddenly very dribbley old cat Fred to a “referral vet hospital” where a “European specialist in internal small animal medicine” wrote after 36 hours of investigation in his £4500 report that Fred was suffering from “excessive drooling of unknown origin”. Subsequently Fred got better on his own over the next 4 weeks or so. We still don’t know what that was all about.

Here he is back at home after it was all over.


Our friends south of Winchester? :laughing:

I understand that. On more than one occasion I’ve had to run down the street in my slippers to catch the dog - it’s bloody quick for something with such short legs!

I hope Bobby is fully recovered soon. :crossed_fingers:


Some charges from ‘questionable’ vet services are criminal. I friend of mine is a vet and she told about a local vet chain here, Vets4Pets IIRC, and the obscene charges they add on. She related some stories to me and said if it was her practice the charges would only a fraction of what was being charged.

I’m glad Fred is back home and well, Bobby is fine now too!

Ahh, you have to laugh!. I got to know Bobbys route and built a search strategy around it. This also included some local people who had my number for a call out.

Our previous Border, Jake was also an escape artist. I remember when he was young, how he was getting out, crossing the stream and ending up in next doors garden. I ended up putting a long lead on him to just see what happens. In no time at all he was straight to a particular spot in the hedge and in the blink of an eye his head was through. I quickly grabbed hold of him and was surprised how much power such a wee dog has!

I had searched and searched for this bolt hole to no avail, good old Jake! Yes Bobby is all well and good, thank you.


986 Boxter ?

What a beauty!