Show us your pets

When walking the Middle Road it’s very important that we do the “goat inspection”.



At least your present was all in one piece, unlike the bitsa left for us this morning…

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A welcome stop off for coffee at the Inn for all Seasons on the A40. Squeaky sign and roaring fire - very atmospheric.


He looks like you’ve just told him he can’t have a pint. :grin:


It’s a tad early for a pint but the bar staff have given him biscuits whilst I sip a Lavazza.


It’s a tad too late here, I think it’s great you can take dogs in the pubs sadly you can only take them into beer gardens here.


Wot amazes me is how cats have an ability to gullet down a mouse whole but totally unable to swallow a tiny weeny tablet.


I’ve resorted to fine sawing the worming pills into quarters, drilling a hole in a few dreamies and inserting one inside the other…


We use an applicator for the vets. Like a giant syringe that fires the tablet down their throats! Works like a charm!

Gosh, sounds like a multi billion business opportunity😂

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Mine are usually OK with most pills. It’s just the wormers which are pretty grim it seems.

Can’t understand why they don’t make them taste nicer. It’s not like kiddy pills where they’re going to raid the cupboard for them is it?

Our cats are pretty fussy, but they will eat Panacur wormer in granule form, mixed with wet cat food.

When our vet has given a cat a pill, she just slips it into their mouth, gently holds their jaws together and massages their throat to make them swallow. The whole thing just takes a few seconds and it seems like it’s over before the cat realises what’s happening. I think it’s a skill I should have learned years ago, as it would have saved a lot of stress, and pills are always a lot cheaper than granules, spot treatments etc.

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One of ours seems able to regurgitate despite the swallow routine. I had become quite adept at holding her, stroking, watching the swallow, then hours later find this tiny blue spot on the carpet. Sadly the whole thing has gotten so stressful that she messes herself if we try, so with the vets blessing we feed her hypoallergenic and try to keep her comfortable. She is lovely company and we monitor her carefully, aware that one day we are going to lose her.

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Many years ago we took Suzy Wong (somewhat inevitable, isn’t it!) in for her annual MoT. We were commenting on how difficult it was to give her a pill.

Jeremy (our vet) said, “It’s really very easy, Watch!”

And duly showed us (with an air of smugness) how it was done.

I said, “It’s under her paw.”

Jeremy, “No, she’d swallowed it”

I lifted the paw……

“Ah.” Said Jeremy


Now that’s an idea I like….Where’s my Dremel!



Following a theme … Badger at the Pelican in Gloucester, just behind the Cathedral. A friendly member of staff allowed him to demolish some sticks.


