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Sorry for your loss.

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I too am so sorry to learn of your news @ElMarko it is as you say just the worst feeling, I had no option but to put our (barely five year old) Alfie to sleep last year as the only humane option, I have never felt as distressed and emotional as that before. Take care of yourself over this difficult time, it’s no consolation at the moment but you have 16 wonderful years of memories with him.


My condolences to you for the loss of Mino.
18 is a grand old doggy age to pass away, well done for giving him a wonderful friendship for such a long lasting lifetime, and that span of time is a success story in itself, plus you were brave enough to gift him the most painless and compassionate end.
Meanwhile we humans are expected to carry on with life, but the reality of grief we suffer is testament to the love we gave :mending_heart:


It always breaks my heart to hear of folks having to part with their four legged friends. Nothing can fill the void they leave in your heart, but when the time is right maybe you’ll find the space to give another wonderful dog a great life.


Thanks for the thoughtful comments. He was a good boy.

Here he is about 6 months after we found him. Looking dapper.



Over the years Zhukov has presented me with some very challenging “throw toys”.
Today he exceeded himself.



I am so sorry for your loss :heartpulse:

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It’s an awful feeling. We feel for you.

The good memories take over soon, although not soon enough. Mino had a wonderful life.


Really sorry for your lost @ElMarko . 18 years is an amazing age. Looking at the way he looked at you, you were his best friend too. We still miss our little girl very much 10 months after she left (last May) and look at her pic and vid most days. Please take care. :mending_heart:


Orson celebrated the first day of spring by playing splish-splosh with some new friends.


More Orson please , he is good for me


Actually he had a run-in with a wild boar two weeks ago, which cost him some nasty scratches/bites and a small part of his nose. And me several fraught hours at the emergency vet, and money on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and such like.

Noses are unstitchable (apparently, but believably) but somewhat to my surprise and delight the vet was correct in her prophecy that he would self-heal relatively quickly and possibly completely.

I don’t have a ‘before’ picture to share (wasn’t pretty), but here’s how it’s looking now - well on the mend.

He, of course, couldn’t care less (now, anyway), and I doubt he’s learned any lesson (it was certainly his own fault). But he has too much energy to walk only on the lead (animals or not, it’s private woodland).

(I think the expression is more because I tried to get him to sit still for a minute)


Orson is a lovely dog and I love his back story of you rescuing from the cold and hard. Well done you Rod!


We registered with 2 blue cattle dog breeders yesterday and look like getting our pup in August. :crossed_fingers:

The 2 we approached are quite strict about who they allow to take their dogs and already sent us a very long questionnaire and won’t confirm until they check up on us. Wished someone did that with kids. :grin:

Can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to that, it’s nice to have something positive to focus on.


Great news Pete! Hope you cruise through the test. Enjoy the results and post some photos nearer the time of collection. Best

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Rico chilling out this morning. The photo makes him look quite slim. He isn’t. He is a big boy and even in old age is at least 7kg. A gentle soul.


I am sure from his expression, he is thinking put the bloody camera down and get me a snack.

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Having a well earned rest after climbing halfway up the stairs? :smile_cat:


Yellow Watchman Goby and a Frogspawn. (maybe an Octospawn)