Show us your pets

Is this photo proof that dogs and CATS can get on?


Lucy (working dog) in the foreground, with Toast (on the left) and Beans (on the right) just visible through the door.

Beans and Toast are farmyard cats (4 mice on Thursday morning!) and theoretically not allowed in the house, though they know exactly where the other cats eat from.

And here is the kitten (from the same litter) that my wife would like us to get instead :scream: of Jasper. We “might” get both…

Here’s Jasper and the black one together


I would go for both. A new kitten needs another such to play with and grow up with.


I think Jasper & ‘Onyx😉’ would make a fine pair of additions and as previously stated, always best to get kittens in pairs😊
PS: Mrs Q suggested the name for the little black fluffy💡


Re naming kittens, if they are going to be allowed outside on their own, remember that you are going to be calling out their name to summon them back home. So the name needs to be suitable and end with an ee sound. As in Billy, to use an example in my life.

My mother ignored this rule in regard to her chickens, which of course were not supposed to be outside on their own. She had one particularly bossy hen that she called “World domination”, which was fine until the day that they did get out. Mum walked down the drive calling “world domination” and went around the corner by the gate to find some tourists parked on the verge outside her house, with their sandwiches frozen en route to their mouths, astonished at this country woman suddenly appearing calling such a phrase.


My mother wanted to call our former tomcat Randy, I put my foot down when I thought of standing outside at ten o’clock at night shouting Randy, Randy, Randy


And a neighbour replies shouting for her cat called Lucky. :joy:

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I beat you to it about three post ago😀

All trying to get one patch of sun


Dave sitting still ?
He’s done something i haven’t discovered yet :thinking:


I suppose he’s comfortable, but it’s not a way I’d choose to kip.

I was going to clear up after de-ashing the range but it’ll have to await his pleasure.


I think it’s a ginger cat thing…:wink:

…not all the same cat, but 2 different Mau’s. The first 3 are our Arabian and the other 2 were our Egyptian.


Wonderful. Every home should have a ginger cat. :kissing_cat:


Daughter #1 WhatsApped this morning, “We’re going to look at some rescue kitties”.
This afternoon she sent this:

Arriving towards the end of the week!

Edit: names are to be Javert and Valjean. They are brothers, about 8-9 weeks old.


They are gorgeous.

I am sure they will soon have your daughter trained up to the standards they expect from their staff. Wishing them all many happy years together.


We’ll see what happens when you let two “kittens” loose in a house full of little bits and pieces, Warhammer figurines, Lego “Rivendell” and suchlike. We just hope that the kids haven’t bitten off more than they can chew.


We have had a few gingers over the years, they seemed to be a bit thicker than the tabbies, and that is saying a lot.

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Hardly a pet but this fellow decided to join my wife in the outdoor shower this morning


I had one of the nasty little blighters skittering around in my apartment in Kuwait for a week back in 1992.
Eventually we got the little blighter, but it made for a nervous time I can tell you.

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Desert lobster!

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