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Cadi (Mum) and Ziggy
Double trouble




I didn’t realise there were so many “J” names.
Too many syllables for me, I didn’t know the original meaning of Jubilee, rams horn, fits in with the farm location.
Our other cat, Juno, again I didn’t know the meaning, queen of the heavens, fits a black cat?

Gotta love a Tortie, or two…. :smiley_cat:

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No I do like greyhounds but I’ll be getting a blue heeler.

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Could be Neb for short…

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How about ‘Inky’ or ‘Kasha’ who was the Japanese god of the Spirit World.
‘Luna’ is a lovely name for a black cat too, here’s our ‘Luna’, who is obviously not totally black…:wink:


Black Jack. Keep it simple. :+1:

As the servant of a Maine(ly) Coon, the thought of him doing anything at full pelt is quite amusing! His ‘mass’ contributes to the momentum calculation though.
He is named Jaime - after the Game of Thrones character. This is sadly as he trapped his tail in something when very young and had to have half of it amputated.

Coincidentally, we also have a ginger Jaspurr.
Enjoy your life of service when the kittens arrive.


Which will inevitably be shortened to BJ. I wouldn’t want to be roaming the streets at night shouting BJ😂


Lol, Jack Black then.

What about Jetty ? It has the Jet and ends with a y?

I have a feeling cats develop their own names after their behaviour traits become apparent, Mrs Houdini (bless) got her name after she vanished when I first got her. I didn’t see her for two weeks, the food went, litter tray was used and that was how I knew she was there

This was the first time I saw her after I let her out and she ran behind the curtain

One day I looked up and there she was , I have never been under such scrutiny .

I miss her so much


Currently thinking Henrietta (Hetty for short) but Helen should be choosing really as it’s going to be “her” kitten

Edited to add - Helen likes Henrietta/ Hetty


Hard to find the right name as their personality kinda helps, I try and pick in advance but always end up picking a name out of the blue.

Bollino relaxing on the patio


I get that although we haven’t really done that with our animals - I suppose I am assuming Jasper will be like his uncle Humphrey (sounds so ridiculous to call a cat uncle :joy:) in which case Jasper will be perfect.

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We always found that names for the generations of cats who owned us evolved over time.

The last one started life as Frisbee but was always referred to as the Wibble.:smiley_cat::thinking:


Absolutely, our cats have all had names that have evolved.
•Ilanka became Muptus
•Tyr is simply Fluff
•Habibi is Bibi 8 or just Bibi
Etc, Etc… :man_shrugging:t4::joy:

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Meet Arthur guarding his treat cupboard. He arrived on Wednesday and we are his new servants. He’s a lovely 4 year old boy whose a little unruly, stone deaf and has a grade 2-3/6 heart murmur of course none of this bothers him. We weren’t going to get another cat friend after Winnie passed away last month, but Arthur popped up on the Cats Protection website and we decided he could adopt us and of course we can talk away to him and he can’t hear a word of what we are saying :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: A house is an empty house without a pet.


What a lovely chap.
Deafness is quite prevalent in white cats I understand.
Even with the hearing disability, I’m sure he’ll have you trained up in no time…:wink: