Show us your pets

Judging by the stuff on the floor behind him it looks like his having a good time.


At the beginning of the week, they were nagging me to get them a Muso Qb for their room. now they are telling me I can’t borrow their Ruark.


Cuteness overload


Sadly, yesterday we had to euthanise our lovely cat Freddie. He had several things going wrong at the same time and it was all beginning to spin out of control. Despite all our best efforts he was losing nearly 100gm a week and was becoming very distressed. He spent hours sitting on my lap, or following me round so that he could climb up next time I stopped. He was just over 13 years old, which is about where Maine Coons do see to run out of steam. We had him for almost all that time.

I took this photo just a few months ago. He’s been gone just over 24 hours now and I am missing him terribly. Of all our cats over the years, Freddie was the one who was most devoted to me, from the first day that he came to live with us. RIP Freddie.


Sorry to hear that David. A great loss, they are so special friends❤️



At least you were able relieve his suffering and gift him a painless end :broken_heart:


Sorry to hear that David. Always a sad loss when they go.


Sorry to read of your loss, my thoughts are with you.


David, I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your Freddie. He looks such a character in the photograph.

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I always hesitate to ‘like’ such a post. I’m very sorry to hear of this, though I bet he had a great life with you and I’m confident you’ve done the right thing.

One of my cats behaved in a very similar manner towards the end of her life, it was a tough choice but had to be made.

All the best.


So sorry to hear of the loss of Freddie :heart:

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Really sorry to hear of the loss of Freddie David, I still miss all of the cats we have had to say goodbye to over the years. They are with us for such a relatively short time, but stay with us forever.
RIP Freddie :crying_cat_face:


So sorry to hear this David; my condolences he looked a fine chap.

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It’s been that sort of day … Badger doing the only sensible thing.


David , so very, very sorry . He looks like he was a lovely cat and was obviously a well looked after family member

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Sorry to read of your loss, David. It is such a very hard and difficult time when we lose one of our loved ones.

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David, so very sorry to hear your news. I feel for you, losing such a wonderful member of the family, a beautiful cat.

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Sorry to hear of your recent loss.

Of all the cats that have spent time with the family over the years the Maine Coon that spent several years with us, a couple of decades ago, was my favorite.


Very sad. A lovely boy.

Your thoughts about Freddie are very much akin to ours of “Herself”. Huge personalities, both.

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David I’m so sorry, thinking of you.

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