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As you can read above I tried to do that, but it was perceived as too negative to the Kore to the very happy Kore owners which resulted in some blowback.

Perhaps I can give it another more neutral try: I think it is safe to say that the Majik subchassis is way better than the old subchassis at a decent price and will sound good with everything.

Now as to Kore, it does improve further but to my ears its pairing with the rest of the LP12, especially tonearm and power supply, is a bit more critical. By this I mean the end result will vary more than with the Majik which has a little more bounce (which to my ears matches better with the zing of the Ittok, but that’s personal) and is quite forgiving. If you like what comes out with Kore it’s all good, happy for you. But lesser results are also possible, which can then be offset again with a different and/or better power supply (like Lingo 4) or tonearm or other stuff so in the end it’s work but no harm done.

Personally I felt Keel does the same thing to an even greater extent, and mixed experiences have been documented here, so I would also be interested in how the third party subchassis sound. I have only heard the Mober, which was more boogie and fun with Lingo 1/2/3 than Kore, but Kore was better with Lingo 4 to my ears. All with Cirkus, don’t know how that is with Karousel.

LP12 is a big box with many variables, different types of top plates, plinths, subchassis, base boards, bearings, power supplies, tonearms, carts and cables. Many pairings of individually great components work in a lovely synergy, some perhaps less so, hope this helps!


Super interesting @daddycool

So, in essence… Kore becomes cleaner with less bounce and keel even moreso? I think that my tastes are maybe going that way, as I really like what radikal and Karousel have done… maybe it would suit.

Great to hear a broader take other than just ‘good/awesome’. Everyone’s take is different and good to hear differing viewpoints!


Yes and no, only if you keep the same power supply. The less coloured subchassis brings out more detail (the hifi vs. boogie) and the bounce returns when you upgrade the power supply accordingly. You’ve then reached a new higher balanced level, in my opinion.

So Majik with anything, Kore with minimum Lingo 4 and Keel with minimum Radikal 1 sounded like a pairing to my ears. The other way round Radikal with Majik was great :slight_smile: That’s why I’m also curious how the third party subchassis like the Tiger Paw AKula and others sound .


Right! That’s super interesting!

My radikal will cope with either, but interesting you liked the combination of radikal and majik, too!


What you need to have in mind is that the Keel came out in 2006 and Radikal 2009. So in 2006 a top of the range Linn LP12 would have had Ekos SE, Keel, Cirkus and Lingo 2.

So a set up like that should sound top notch. What I am saying is you can get Keel done with a Lingo 1 and it will still sound better.

I have a Lingo 1 and my turntable now sounds superb with Ekos 2, Dyn XX2 Mk2, Kore. Great phonostage Tom Evans The Groove +SRX.

Just saying there are alternatives. I am now thinking keeping current phonostage and get Keel and Radikal done. I was going to change to Urika but not so sure now. I have Trampolin 2.


Yes to my ears at least you can over-subchassis but there is no over-powersupplying :wink:

As I wrote in another thread today (I will also keep my Majik subchassis):


It looks like I am saying the opposite to you. That is you can have Keel with a Geddon or Lingo 1 or even valhalla!


Yes it does @Dan_M , but that’s totally ok, your posts are very much appreciated and the big win of these recent posts in my opinion is noting there are different ears and preferences.

The beauty of the LP12 platform is the infinite number of variations that can be achieved to meet one’s needs. Let’s just keep an open mind that there are more opinions and more ways.


So look, this is where I am going if possible:


But in meantime Rad 1 or 2. Keel, Ekos SE. The Ekos 2 is a huge improvement on Akito which was upgraded by AO and cart makes huge difference.

It will probably all be done at separate times. This year a Radikal will be done of some sorts. I would love Radikal Klimax 2, but a Radikal 1 Akurate is more likely!

I do agree that the Radikal is a massive upgrade.

After Radikal would go Keel. And maybe that will be it. The Ekos 2 makes me happy. Glad I got it done.


I looked at these a while ago and they produce interesting kit. The thing that puts me off is that it’s not Linn and would prefer my LP12 all Linn.

Not to say the kit isn’t superb. Was looking at turntable shell on sale on eBay which has Vinyl Passion subchassis and Radikal 1. Only thing that interests me on that turntable is Radikal 1.


Strangely I was just checking my dealer’s second hand sales list and he is selling a Naim Aro tonearm and a Linn Keel Aro. They have been on sale since August so not selling quickly which is surprising.


If I may @Dan_M first of all you already have really nice bits of kit and a great LP12.

Then, from recent forum posts, Radikal 2 appears to be as much an upgrade over Radikal 1 as that was over anything else. So you may aspire to that instead of upgrading other things again like your current Ekos 2 and lovely Dynavector cart that you do enjoy now, or going Keel.

The route there could also be to either find a used Akurate Radikal 1 (about the same price of a new Lingo 4) or Klimax Radikal 1 (priced new Lingo 4 plus Karousel) and have some time to save for the £1750 I believe needed to upgrade from Radikal 1 to 2 later.

It could possibly bring more satisfaction to you to focus on power supply first and only, like I’m upgrading my Majik/Cirkus/Ittok from Hercules to Radikal 1 before anything else. Just a thought.


I think sometimes with upgrades if something comes up as a good deal you take it. Whilst considering the overall aim of the LP12.

I have been wanting a Radikal for years and thought I would get it done before the change of tonearm and cart.

The other thing is used turntables come up with everything on them that I want for sometimes better prices.

So I wouldn’t rule out buying a used LP12 at Klimax level. And then selling my existing turntable on.

For instance there’s a nice black one on eBay UK with Ekos SE, Keel, Radikal (K), Karousel, Urika. It looks mint. All it would need is Rad 2 upgrade and cart. And then it’s top of the range Klimax.


New Radikal upgrade kit price 1-2


Always on time @Skeptikal :+1:


Strange, I was just browsing the net on the same subject for no other reason than idle curiosity as I have heard so much about the arm, to my surprise there were quite a few for sale, some as individual arms, some with LP12 arm boards and even a complete TT package.

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I think that they’re the dogs’ doohdahs, so take the chance if you’re interested. There aren’t very many out there.

Linn were apparently very reluctant to make the Keel for ARO, but gave in to pressure from Peter Swain of Cymbiosis and Ray Horn of Grahams (Islington).

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It surely helped that Cymbiosis was willing to invest quite a chunk of money to take on considerable stock, basically making it a risk-free on demand not-so-custom order (slightly reprogram one run of the CNC machine to known dimensions) for Linn.


Peter obviously still has (or had) a few Keel/As, as he sold me one a few months ago, and drove to my home in Brighton to set it all up. Great service!


That may then be the hiccup in an otherwise cunning plan.

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