Show us your Sondek

Your LP12 looks very classy indeed! How do you find the Stiletto plinth, compared to its Linn (presumably) equivalent?

For me, Stiletto and Skorpion base arrived with Keel (not Kore) and Radikal1 (not Lingo 4). I have heard the latter two changes in isolation in shops and can try mentally subtracting them from the overall upgrade I got, but I suggest treating the result cautiously. Having said that…

All these changes, with the much cheaper Karousel bearing, delivered quieter background (so more detail), more neutrality (so less tendency for bass to get big, attention-grabbing and vague), better stereo image, better isolation (when speakers point at TT and volume is high or when a bus rolls past, things don’t get a bit vague), cleaner control of sibilants (June Tabor, Margot Timmons, Joan Baez or Maria Callas) when pushed. Pace, dynamic vigour and boogie went up, not down.

The subtraction process suggests that the consistent isolation, neutrality and lower sibilance come from Keel and Stiletto - both help with detail and dynamic vigour too, but credit for those improvements mostly belongs to other changes imho.

I think getting the last bit of gentle wooliness out without losing engagement is very much due to the Stiletto. I have never really liked what Trampolinns sound like when I have noticed their impact, but the comments others have made about upgrades to top plate and base suggests that much of the Stiletto’s benefits may have little to do with getting rid of the wooden box itself and more to do with a hardcore approach to top and bottom (and feet of course).

I have heard a full Klimax style LP12 and I would not swap. Partly that reflects that I find Urika 2 marginally less engaging and fun than my Superline. However, the full Stiletto to me has all the pluses that the full Klimax KP12 has, plus some of areas of strength of a Brinkmann Bardo or big Vertere versus LP12 generally.

I still have the LP12 with Cherry plinth, Kore, L4, Ekos (plus Krystal, a rather effective SRM base and the excellent DV phono). They are at a mate’s house, gradually converting him to the dark side (i.e. vinyl not CD) but were here recently for a comparison.

Does any or all of that sound right to others who have Stilettos or Skorpions or even the non-Linn top plate?

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I had understood - from previous posts above - that the sticker is on the LP12’s Outer Platter (the part that lifts off), not the Inner (attached to the bearing shaft)…?

Perhaps my understanding is wrong… :thinking: :crazy_face:

Mine is on the outer.

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No, you are correct. I use Siri extensively when replying emails and on social media and sometimes it gets the wrong end of the stick. I proof read as much as possible but occasionally this can happen. For every one post I make here these days, I make many, many elsewhere, in the 100s for sure.

The datum marker attaches to the inside of the outer platter so it can be read by the optical sensor. It’s all on the set-up guide that is available FOC on the Cymbiosis website in the downloads section. BTW and FYI if needing to replace the marker tape at any time, don’t use any bit of black tape, as it may not work and the brighter LED mode won’t dim! Always use the correct tape, as can be supplied by your Linn retailer. A strange one, but true! Whilst on the subject, BTW I typed this reply for a change :slight_smile: KR Peter


My typo from the original post as explained above. Inside of the outer platter is the only place for the marker.

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No criticism from me intended, Peter!

To be honest, I only checked mine because it has never occurred to me to do so!

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Unbelievable level of detail and thorough instruction that covers everything and their updates.

No excuse for not getting it right and the provenance is second to none.
No need for anyone to feel embarrassed asking a question as it’s all in there in Three volumes and fully illustrated too.
Huge amount of work to compile then give out free. :heart_eyes: :+1:t2:


Absolutely agree. The Cymbiosis guides are wonderful.


No, no and thanks. Just have to be 100% clear on info for readers :+1: :+1:


“Show us your Sondek”……. well, here’s my 41 year old specimen….

Spec: Karousel/Keel/Ekos SE/Ekstatik/Klimax Radikal 2/TA Karmen top plate/Trampolin2/Rega Aura/Simon Price plinth in high gloss Indian rosewood…….

Think that’s it…….oh, nearly forgot……+ a TA Evenstar.


What part is 41 ? :wink: :rofl:


Thats wonderful…….41 years👍

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The only 2 original parts still standing after I bought it in 1982 are the outer platter and the lid hinges (yes, really)

Oh…… and some internal gubbins and wiring I guess? Peter Swain would know - he looks after it for me👌


Likewise here too.
I’ve got my original 1987
Top plate
Hinge mounts
I’m on my third pair of hinges. :roll_eyes:


My 79 LP12 still has the original:-
LId and hinges
Top plate
and I still have the original Azak cartridge lurking somewhere
also have the original packaging

Most importantly music played on it continues to give me a lot of pleasure.


I paid a visit to Peter today and came away with a planned Ekos SE/1 arm. Quite a jump up from my Basik Plus arm. I thought I might as well do it in one go as do it in little steps.

Once again Peter demonstrated his expertise and amazing attention to the tiniest of details. He was happy to talk me through the process and answer some novice questions.

The arm has made quite a difference. All the good things we repeat here endlessly are appropriate with this arm. It’s early days, I’m only 3 sides in, but already I feel I did the right thing. I believe my deck is now superior to my beloved CDS2. Time for me to put another record on, it’s going to be a long night of listening.


That’s an SE/1 arm the latest version. :+1:t2:


Correct, and I knew that. :woozy_face: I have amended my post accordingly and many thanks for pointing that out. :+1:


Looks great what cartridge.?
Bet you notice a huge uplift super arm and a good fettle by the guru enjoy. :+1:t2:

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