Show us your Sondek

Audio Technica VM750SH (mm). Plenty of life left in it so I’ll talk to Peter about an upgrade when the time comes. Yes, a big uplift and I’m only on my third album with it.


I’ve heard it’s a great cart I’ve often thought about the advantages of changing my own stylus.
I really like AT carts I’ve had a couple. :+1:t2:


Above is my 1981 Linn LP12.

The following are unchanged -

  • Plinth
  • Lid & Hinges
  • Top Plate
  • Outer Platter
  • Motor

The following have been ‘changed’ -

  • Inner Platter & Bearing (Cirkus in 2018)
  • Sub Chassis (several changes, Kore in 2022)
  • Arm Board (several changes, Kore in 2022)
  • Power Supply (Valhalla in 1982, Lingo in 2021)
  • Arm (Rega R200, Linn Ittok LV11 in 1983)
  • Cartridges (DV 10X, Linn Asak, Linn Asaka, DV10X)

Hope they removed the cap spring and ball from the original motor when you got lingo fitted.
I’ve seen a few never removed. :scream:

My Lingo was fitted nr. Leicester.

And I think the parts you highlight were removed long ago… :astonished:

(I have omitted the various occasions that my LP12 was taken apart, ‘fettled’ and re-assembled/reset, over the years. Recent ones were done nr. Leicester, prior to that in Loughboro. )


I’m sure given its fettling location it will be sound.
Just thought I’d mention I don’t read about original motors very often.

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I recall a ‘Thrust Bearing’ being removed from the Motor in Loughboro, many years back.

Maybe I have a picture… Hang on…

The black cap is still there, on the Motor, but I am sure the Thrust Bearing itself was removed… :thinking:

(Yes, thats my Valhalla board, pre Lingo being installed. It was sold on, subsequently.)

During various fettlings over the years, I lost track of the number & variety of minor, low cost tweaks that were routinely applied. New springs here, new grommets there and so on. Oh… and Black Oil.

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Familiar story here. :roll_eyes:
Are you keeping it retro or going Karousel Radikal etc. :thinking: :scream:

No. Definitely not.

I do like the smoked lid. Also I do love an ittok. To look at, it is my mental image of the perfect tone arm. It has that ‘does exactly what it says on the tin’ design.

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‘As Standard’. The LP12 is from '81, the Ittok is from '82 (ser No 58xx). An Asak went in, in 1983 - which was easy as I then had my Naim 42/110 and a Phono Board swap (from 322 N to 323 S) out was free. I think this was just for first 12 months…?

1983 was the closest I ever got to a State of the Art LP12.
After that, I didn’t keep up… :slightly_frowning_face:
(due to cost and/or inclination)


When I got my LP12 it had a Syrinx PU2 arm, which got changed to an Ittok around 1985. The Syrinx was good but the Ittok was a step above. I still have the Ittok.
I guess when I got the LP12 it was also at the peak of LP12 spec or close to it, depending on who you spoke with and their view of the best LP12 arm combination. Now it is definitely in the middle but I am just as happy with it.


The Syrinx PU2 was ‘the’ arm, until the Ittok was released.

My LP12 is definitely at the (relatively) cheaper end now… :astonished:
Better than a Magik, but not quite Selekt/Akurate…?


Stunning plinth!

Thank you. Simon Price plinth in high gloss Indian rosewood. Here’s an alternative angle….


In B+W as per the other thread. Sporting the much sought after arm.


Very nice picture… :slightly_smiling_face:

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nice one @Blackstar
how content are you with the DV cartridge?

Which one is yours.? :wink: :+1:t2:


Very @krautnaimie , to be fair never auditioned against others and just went with my dealers (Sound Org York) suggestion. Sounds good to me and now onto my third as of a couple of months ago :grinning:

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