Show us your Sondek


Nice photo set :+1:
Thanks for sharing

Best wishes


Thank you rattat

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Good one Bandit , well done, lucky boy :+1:

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You’re very welcome

Must admit a bias…
I’m a big big fan of LP12 and Olive shoe boxes :wink:

Anyway, that’s a really thoughtful photo shoot
(I’ll be enjoying those pictures all day)


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Thank you Bevo. I’m really lucky that I can sort my dream ones both LP12/ARO and n-sats/n-stands.

I haven’t seen the LP12 cover/lid with a round Linn name-badge before. Is that how they come these days?

I have Peter Swain all set up to visit me soon with a brand-new cherrywood plinth LP12, and a ‘new’ ARO (re-wired by Linn, rather than Naim). Cartridge will be a Troika, re-built by David Giffin at Goldring. Peter Swain is (perhaps justifiably) sceptical about the refurbished Troika, but I have always regretted not buying one when they were Linn’s top cartridge.

The only problem that I have is to find a step-up transformer for the amp’s MM input. Ortofon used to do one that looked like an over-sized battery, but that is discontinued, sadly.

All to work with my new NAIT 50 and Kestrel LS3/5As.


Some more photo if I may. Thank you,

Kind regards,


Hello @anon70766008

Honestly feel the dream would be - LP12 - CB or Olive shoe box amp - LS3/5A

Aro + Troika is the cherry on the icing on the cake.

Well done for doing it properly :+1:

Please please share a photo set. Many (myself included) would be delighted to see that, on the forum here.

Good luck


What a treat
Thanks again


Yes, it is how the new lids come these days. This is a brand new.

I initially would like to equip an MM cart with the ARO to use with a Nait 1 but also want to take the benefit of ARO three holes head shell then end up with a Krystal.

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I wish that my (rather blotchy) outer platter looked as good as that. The varnish has faded in patches. Is there any (approved) way of cleaning it up?

I was thinking of using T-Cut, but is that a bad idea?

(I will consult Peter Swain when he visits soon.)

I have a Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua, which is a lovely cartridge. Its skeletal construction matches the ARO well, and it is quite competitively priced, given its stellar performance.


Yes graham55 I am sceptical about most of the rebuilds. Just base on what I’ve seen and heard but as I said, if you want to do it then go for the ultimate Goldring rebuild as they are as good as it gets :+1:t2:
KR, Peter

It’s interesting. I will have a look when I need to change a new one.

Thought I might give this a show again it’s as Mr Swain left it last time. :sunglasses: :+1:t2:


I would suggest you need something a little bit finer than T-cut. That’s generally okay and automotive paint finishes put on something like Perspex. I’m absolutely certain you will see the scratches. Personally my advice would be given there is a lively market in secondhand parts would be to sell your lid or trade it in and buy a brand-new one, that is perfect, the cost differential won’t be that great! KR, Peter

Thanks, Peter. I’ll see what you think, when you visit.

Hi Bandit,

It looks like your local retailer did a really nice job for you. As always, I’m pleased I was able to help you as much as I could :+1:t2: and I’ll let you know when I’m likely to be in your part of the world next year. :blush:KR, Peter


Thank you very much again Peter. Appreciated your support. Glad to hear that you’re going to be this part of the world. Look forward to seeing you then.

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The LP12 always looks good in a solid black plinth. I had one for years, which I have gifted to my son, for Grahams HiFi to put together for his first ever turntable.

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