Show us your Sondek


Time to update your profile.
I bet that’s a breath of fresh air and great body clearance too. :sunglasses: :+1:t2:

Is that an Umami Blue?
Very nice🙂

I do love the PU7!

Yes! Now I need to remember how to update it in my profile

Yes. Very different than the Krystal

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In what way please? Possible to describe?

The very battered Troika for my second LP12 is on its way to Goldring for a complete rebuild. It will be great to have it back soon.


Absolutely love flutes :heart:


Have a look at Solid Sounds (near Leeds) for some beautiful plinths.

Or Simon Price (via Peter at Cymbiosis).


Something like this in Bamboo from Solid Sounds would be suit me .

Also with Bamboo there are no questions as to governance - same with Eucalyptus

_Hasten to add, this is not my LP12 but a stock photo .


Ian, I have a Solid Sounds Wenge plinth on my LP12. It’s beautifully made, and I recommend Solid Sounds (near Leeds in Yorkshire) very highly to anyone interested in something a bit different to Linn’s own (excellent) plinths.

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I was really impressed with what I saw

best wishes

PS When you have your second LP12 , perhaps ask Peter to take a photo and post it? (I know that there are different rules for Trade Members - so this may not be possible , but an ARO and a Nait 50 are a good combination

That sounds a very special second system you are setting up , and I can see exactly what you are trying to achieve


Thanks, Ian, I can’t see why there would be a problem with Peter posting a photo. I would do it myself, but I’m useless at that sort of thing. Perhaps Peter can use my log in to post a photo.

Anyway, I am sure that a way will be found!!

Incidentally, that Solid Sounds bamboo plinth is called something like ‘Bamboo Stack’, made up of many individual pieces of bamboo. I have never seen anything like it anywhere else.

I’m very happy with my Wenge one.

(Although I fear that Wenge wood may soon gain ‘endangered’ status, and so become unavailable for use. Whatever happens, no one is having my plinth!)


Have you looked at Brian & Trevor’s Booplinth which is cut from a solid block of bamboo?

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I saw that, and was very interested in the design concept, but I couldn’t justify taking things further, as I had recently bought my Wenge plinth, which I’m not interested in changing.

I’ve invited Ian to visit me, so he can make his own judgment.

I may, at that point, have my second LP12, with a Simon Price Cherrywood plinth, courtesy of Peter Swain of Cymbiosis.


Agreed. Can’t beat em. They also don’t make an LP12 look like it has a middle-aged spread, imho :wink: :grin:


I have an LP12 in the works for my wife’s system from Peter too.
It will hopefully have a nice vintage fluted Cherry plinth to match her Linn Keilidhs🙂
I like seeing pictures of all these lovely exotic plinths, but Cherry is our preference whether…

…Smooth (mine above) or Fluted. :blush:


No I haven’t - Audio T have that


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Nah, everyone knows, Walnut is the magic wood! :wink: