Show us your Sondek

My LP12 is about to receive a Lingo 4 upgrade from a Mose Hercules 2 Power Supply. The rest of the spec is in my profile.
Tony at Basically Sound is building a ‘Vintage’ LP12 for my wife at the moment and will be using my Mose as it’s Power Supply instead of the existing Valhalla.
I will let you know how the upgrade sounds when I get it back with the Lingo 4 installed on 23rd September. :blush:


Thank you the shape is very familiar.
I do like AT carts .
And you can’t argue with a recommendation like that.
Thanks. :+1:t2:


Yes please do let me know how you get on with the Lingo 4, I’m really interested to know what improvements it brings.

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Mate of mine has just done that very upgrade to Lingo 4 from his Hercules Paul6

Blew him away , he’s real happy


I really must get a demo so I can hear what the improvements are in sound quality.

Has the Armageddon been dropped from Naim’s roster of products?

(I never see it being mentioned these days.)

Probably around 10 years since the Armageddon was discontinued.

Well, blow me down! Turn your back for a second…


10 years is an extensive period of time Graham😂

You’re not wrong!

And the ARO is extinct too - as the ARO2 on the Solstice is a much heavier re-design.

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I’m still using the Armageddon on one of my sondeks with ARO/keel/superline/supercapDR

Sounds damn fine to me

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It took the Klimax Radikal for me to part with mine.

Yes my other sondek is the 40th anniversary Klimax Radikal

Lucky to have both with the Linn Kandid cartridge

There is definitely something about the Geddon and ARO combo that keeps doing it for me

Both have their plus and minus points



Nice shot :ok_hand:

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It’s a pretty cartridge.

It worked well with a fast Naim phono! ( plus I loaded it pretty high )


I use mine with a Rega Aria set to 150 ohms and 63db gain into my 72 pre amp.


How long have you had the cartridge and roughly how many hours have you put on it?I’ve had mine three years, I estimate 750 hours of use, it still sounds good to my cloth ears. I clean it after every side and once every 3 months ish I clean it with Linn green stylus paper. I’m hoping to get another 750 or so hours out of it before it needs replacing. When it does finally need replacing I’m probably going to buy an AT moving magnet cartridge and use the built in phono cards in my 72 which is powered by a HiCap. I have a feeling this may be as good as the Aria if not better. Mrs R, has asked me to listen more on headphones which is fair enough as she’s put up with my music for 25 years without complaint. Moving forward a good AT MM which has a replaceable stylus will suit my needs better. Peter Swain has some AT MM cartridges that he has selected for their great performance so I will be asking him for his recommendations when the time comes.

I have been speaking to Peter Swain about an MM cartridge for use with the phono input of the NAIT50. He has recommended, and I have asked him to obtain for me, an Audio Technica 760SLC - a new cartridge, in short supply in the UK at present.

Good to know, thank you. Does this cartridge have a replaceable stylus and what is the price if you don’t mind me asking?