Show us your Sondek

If you can, light it from above and to the left. Then take the picture from the front right corner. :wink:


I suggest that you have a look at Solid Sounds, near Leeds.

I have a lovely Wenge plinth for my LP12/ARO, which I bought from Solid Sounds last year. (I believe that Wenge timber now has UNESCO ‘endangered’ status, and is no longer available.)

I have a second LP12/ARO, recently installed for me by the inestimable Peter Swain of Cymbiosis, with a cherrywood plinth from Simon Price.

The plinths are very different, but both are great - if you want to move away from Linn Products’ own.

The newest part of my LP12


Nice creative image
Lovely flutes :heart_eyes:

There is no special inside information, just looking at his website. It mentions some specific arms, including Linn Ekos and Akito and finishes the Rewire section with “Email us for any other modification enquiries”.

Okay dokay…
Just gone to look at that AO web page for you.
It looks to me unchanged from 2-3 years ago, when I last looked.

But, hey, if you’re keen to do something with Johnnie, then go ahead and enquire.

Please let us all know if he’s still doing work with Linn Ittok tonearms. That would be good news.

Good luck.

A search of Facebook LP12 pages has reference to Johnnie training Paul Bird of the Hifi Gallery, there is then a strapline at the top of that website referring to servicing Ittoks.


I’m still mulling things over. Off course, I knew that the LP12 upgrades aren’t cheap. But with the purchase cost and adding a Lingo 4, Karousel and Kore would get me a new Majik, so I’m a bit confused about how to assess value for money with doing pretty much anything to it. I can see the logic in an external PS, as all my other system components have seperate power supplies, but ripping out an already upgraded Cirkus bearing and fannying about with the sub chassis just doesn’t feel right. So, I’m currently procrastinating between do nothing (over than check the stylus and pressure calibration with a mate), or just adding the Lingo 4 (which off course is the most expensive upgrade option) :flushed::flushed::roll_eyes:


Just get your mate to check it out Mike and then live with it for a few years

No hurry for upgrades


Lingos and Core subs can sensibly be had second hand. I like my Karousel but would suggest looking at either of those bits first if you do want more detail and more bass control.

Lingo 1 is less good than Lingo 4 imho, but cheap. I have apare one you could have (free - it is just sitting in a drawer), but I am an impractically long way from Whangarei.


You’ve done so well finding that lovely music making machine. Maybe the audiophile equivalent of that unicorn like elusive “barn find” LOL :joy:

it is simply lovely.

Seems you’ve already experienced an uplift on your previous record player. Maybe just enjoy that for a bit.

For me, as a minimum, I would get it all checked out. Maybe a dealer service and proper set-up. In particular, get the tonearms bearings checked and also the cartridge looked at too. I might be tempted to change to a new cartridge anyway. ( Because, have OCD about putting an unknown condition stylus on my much loved vinyl ).

Maybe do just that and pause and enjoy.

Ours was pretty much original for nearly 35 years. It was loved and looked after and still sounded great in 2020.

Your other comments …
FWIW, don’t think the upgraded variant you suggest ( towards Selekt ) should be compared with a Majik. It’s not really a fair comparison.

The L4 is way better than a Majik psu. The Kore is a much more stable rigid product, compared to the sub chassis option in the Majik. A good condition Ittok so much more capable than a Krane, etc, etc. Karousel is a maybe smaller step forward. Cirkus is still pretty good. The cumulative effect of all is really quite significant.

You’re so much better off with what you’ve got, as a start point. If you must, do the upgrades one at a time and enjoy the journey.

Being objective (with the head)…
If you are in any doubt, go listen to a few LP12’s including Majik and Selekt, which any Linn stockist could do for you. While your there, compare and contrast with your other source ND555, to get a fix and reference point on everything.

Being subjective (with the heart) …
In any case, the original fluted one you have is a much more attractive item. In my humble opinion. Flutes and Ittok ( or Ekos) just looks right. Maybe biased on that bit :wink:

As ever, @Bevo provides sound advice in such a concise way.

Good luck


Our “old fruit box” as it is today…
Unchanged on the outside. Recently upgraded to Selekt inside. Otherwise, looks to be in its original form, from 1986.

The only outward clues of any change from original is the armboard, which has the newer Linn logo. This was changed to accommodate the Kore sub chassis. (To be fair, the Kore and integrated armboard is supposed to be better, more stable anyway). So, that’s maybe a minor concession.

A three year journey is now complete. Or at least pausing for now. :wink:
Transformed this veritable old lady, from stock to following :

Linn Troika - Ittok LVII - LP12 ( Selekt ) - Naim SuperLine (c/w Z Foil Airplugs) + HiCap DR psu.

All the details are shared above in that previous post #3680.

In our case, there is a bias, as we loved this lovely looking record player. So, whilst it has been significant improved, it was important to us that it remained outwardly the same.


Looks fantastic and I am sure it sounds it too.

I have a very similar LP12. Mine only has three original bits, plinth, top plate and a smoked acrylic lid. Like you, I wanted to keep the original look.

Though the kittens thought their being on it improved the look when they were younger as did my previous cats. Fortunately, now they go outdoors they don’t sit on it any more.


As others have said, it’s certainly worth getting the deck checked out. And don’t forget that if you were to upgrade the bearing to the Karousel, the Cirkus could then be recycled to some lucky LP12 owner who is at an earlier bearing level.


The bearing is the most fundamental part of the deck so it makes sense to start there before anything else.
But that’s no reason not to enjoy it in the meantime. :+1:t2:

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That looks pretty darn good, sort of has a quiet understated aspect about it.



My LP12 ARO started out its life as Harry’s ex demo LP12 Majik 7 years ago.

It’s taken those 7 years to finally reach the pinnacle.

Took a couple of years for the ARO tonearm to emerge from one of Harry’s customers. The last upgrade this year was the Keel through Peter at Cymbiosis Audio in UK

It’s been loads of fun getting there


If I understand it correctly, you have to do the power supply for Karousel to fit? Which suggests best done together?

Hi Any lingo powered deck or later but yes I did the mistake of assuming you don’t have Valhalla.
If so then yes but they are in the order of hierarchy Bearing Then Power Supply I also think you need a Majik or newer Sub chassis too.
Something to think about for the future but it’s all available so enjoy what you have in the meantime. :+1:t2:

I see now that a Heed Orbit 2 might be an option for a power supply upgrade, and I have a Heed phono stage. Does anyone know about these?