Show us your Sondek

Yeah, crazy right, but most of my vinyl is from the 80’s, so there’s a whole nostalgia thing there to enjoy, whilst getting a top notch system.


Big thumbs up from me, Mike, and you are taking my gentle teasing very well.

Enjoy the journey, and your music.



Anyone have an idea of how the Ittok compares to the later Ekos, is a change worth it for the cost?

Definitely I had Ittok then changed for Ekos1 and now have an Ekos SE/1
All improvements but at a price. :wink: :+1:t2:


For my LP12/Valhalla/Cirkus/Ittok I assume I need to spend similar money on a Lingo 4/Kore/Karousel before I look at the arm?

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Hi yes
Karousel would be the best thing new heart to the deck but that would require a new power supply sub chassis etc.
It’s a big jump. :scream:
The Kore can be drilled out for the arm rest if it’s a seperate one and if your arm is still good then these would be great upgrades to enjoy. :+1:t2:


Here’s mine. Had it 41 years. Only 2 original parts (outer platter & lid hinges)

Simon Price plinth in high gloss Indian rosewood
Ekos SE
TA Karmen top plate
Klimax Radikal 2
Aura phono stage

Only ever been worked on by 2 people over the years: Derek Jenkins (RIP) & Peter Swain.


It’s a real shame the Indian Rosewood has now been banned Toon, it looks fantastic in the high gloss

Simon Price plinths are the best , I have 2 of them, he’s a master


Rosewood banned? from international trade, you mean?

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What made you go for the aura phono stage vs urika Toon ?

Or even the Naim Superline ?

I spent 6 months auditioning a new phono stage to upgrade from my previous Cyrus Phono Signature and PSXR2 power supply. During that period I auditioned Urika, Stageline, Superline, Roksan RPP and Rega Aura. All auditions were set up in the same system as I have to provide as close a relevance as possible. I visited 3 different dealers in this period to remove any specific “dealer favourites”. I knew it would be my last phono stage purchase so I took my time and treated it like a project in its own right.

The Aura was the hands down best performer in my system in my room to my ears. So I bought one.

Even though it was the most expensive of the pack I have no regrets at all. Best phono stage I’ve ever heard.


The Rega Aura is very good.
It’s definitely worth consideration.

Presented with the same choices, seems that users make different decisions, according to preferences and the specifics of their use case.

Here’s another case…

@Toon chose Aura
@philiprst with NSC222 chose NVC TT
With what we have at home, we chose SuperLine

It’s all good.
Wouldn’t life be boring if we all did the same thing.


Morning @Toon & @ratrat
I run a Cyrus Signature Phono plus PSXr2 as my phono stage.
It is the last piece of my pre Linn/Naim system and I had been considering looking at alternatives in the new year, to see if it could be bettered at a decent price.
I am particularly interested @Toon in your experience demoing the Stageline against your Cyrus.
Can you give any insights as to what you experienced?
Thank you🙂

I think you have to be very concerned about most topical hardwoods

I suspect if I had a bespoke plinth made it would be in something like high gloss English yew


Morning @QuickSticks and @ratrat

The Stageline was nowhere near as good as my Cyrus. Superline was better but still not at the level of Aura. The Stageline produced a more muddied presentation with cymbals, vocal and piano less well defined and seperated than with the Cyrus. I quickly dismissed Stageline but spent longer assessing Superline. In the end, Aura won out. I was particularly impressed with the sophisticated power supplies inside Aura making it a 1 box solution (one of the reasons why it weighs 13kg I guess?)



You know, I meant Superline not Stageline🤦🏻‍♂️
We have a Stageline on my wife’s system for her MM cart.
I’m not really thinking about spending over £4k on replacing my Cyrus, if I do so at all :thinking: :man_shrugging:t4:

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You could consider a Prefix (£200ish) powered by a Supercap (£1200ish). I think for the money, it’s got to be hard to beat. I think many miss this option because the Prefix itself is so cheap. I’ve never heard the Cyrus but I’d put money on the Prefix/SC seeing it off. Difficult to dem though which may be another reason it doesn’t get considered.


As you know, I’m intrigued by this combination. Would defiantly jump at the chance of hearing, to better understand how it works.

Also, challenging to find a nice Olive SC as we’ve discussed in the past.
For @QuickSticks both systems in the house are OC so this isn’t an issue.

Which of your two LP12’s were you thinking :thinking:

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I’ve been considering Superline/HiCap DR for about 4 months now Paul.
It’s something that appears on the preloved market a lot and I already have a HiCapDR I could repurpose :wink: