Show us your Sondek

That’s a really interesting insight. Thanks for sharing.

First comment : My instinct is that NVC TT will also benefit from a NPX300 added to a NSC222.
Advantage of that approach, all sources improve. :+1:

@paulbysea if you ever find the time, please do experiment - with a listening test - and report observations. I’m sure that would make for interesting reading…

Second : Your experience mirrors ours, when considering all these same options.
Aura is a great option, maybe better SQ than SL by itself. Or indeed NVC TT. (A one box solution).
SL + HCDR ( two box solution) is maybe a better comparison (at similar budget) with Aura and differences more marginal.

Any buying decision maybe more to do with preferences and specific use case, etc.

In your case, NVC TT works best with NC item NSC222.
In our case, also decided to stay within Naim ecosystem. SuperLine + HCDR considered best with our SN3 and also Olive NAC72. (Two separate use requirements).

It’s great we now have some LP12 with NVC TT users contributing.
The NVC TT is a fine phono option and wish this New Classic item well

Best wishes.

@Bevo Since when is Indian rosewood banned? Can you provide information to support this statement?


Wow! That plinth is utterly gorgeous. I usually prefer fluted but there’s plenty to keep the eye interested on yours.

I once had a standard rosewood LP12 - around the time that the clear lids were coming out. It was both the most expensive LP12 I would ever buy but also the worst sounding - and by some margin. I can’t even think where it ended up. the only thing I can be reasonably sure of is that I didn’t give it away.

Thank you. Yes, tbh, it was one of those “right time right place” things as I was at the dealer (Cymbiosis) for another reason and Peter had just taken delivery 24 hours before of a number of Simon Price plinths, 2 of which were high gloss Indian rosewood. I think Simon only did 2 so it was a pure stroke of luck. As soon as I saw them I knew I’d walk out with one as they were so stunning. I know the gentleman who has the other one too.

It certainly raises the bar on the aesthetic axis as it is beautiful to look at and is very solidly built with great corner bracing so I’m very happy with it.


Bit of a late post but I agree with you, especially with the wall bracket. I bought a Quadraspire wall bracket from a gentleman on eBay to get my LP12 off my wooden sub floor and the improvement was significant. Definitely fantastic VFM!!

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Once the NVC TT is fully run in I might get around to trying it without the NPX.
My 222 though has never been run using the internal power supply, so I think it is unlikely that I will try listening to it without the 300.

The NVC has been on for a little over 72 hours now and I have played music through it for between 10 and 15 hours I would think. The sound is now coming to life, with a more consistent Naim sense of life in the recording. For the first couple of days, it was up and down depending on the record played. Some sounded fantastic, others whilst sounding very detailed and with plenty of PRaT just didn’t quite have the sparkle for want of a better word. All very normal during running in some new Naim kit I think. Yesterday evening playing Daughter’s Stereo Mind Game, it sounded amazing, the overlaid vocals were easy to separate. PJ Harvey’s Stories from the City whilst a lot better than the CD Rip I have, left me feeling a bit short-changed, as if Polly wasn’t trying and just going through the motions if that makes sense. I am sure over the next week or so everything will settle down and everything I play will have the Naim magic.

This afternoon, so 72 hours in, listening to the Orielles’ Silver Dollar Moment, initially put on whilst I did a few bits as background music and to continue the running in, I found myself repeatedly drawn into the music, so the tasks got put on hold I and sat and listened to the album.


I am pleased to report that playing PJ Harvey’s Stories from the City again 22 hours later, she is again sounding like she is giving her all.


No I didn’t try the SL with either of the off board psu’s. I suspect it would have been a lot better if I had. But I didn’t want to increase my box count and the Aura fitted that requirement perfectly.

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Hit the nail on the head there Toon

I’m using the Superline with the Supercap DR and it’s a mighty partnering - blew the Hicapdr away

But as you say it’s another Fraim level which can be an issue

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I already have a SCDR in my Fraim for my 252 and didn’t fancy dropping another £5k on another one + a Fraim level. I’m very happy with the Aura + Ekstatik combination. Also using a Chord Signature Aray cable from Aura → 252 so all good.


Good on you Toon

Yes probably the right move , gets a bit on the pricy side all of this

My other Sondek is the LP12 Klimax 40th anniversary with the 252/SCDR/250DR

Luckily it’s in another location 100kms apart

Maybe one day I’ll have to choose :flushed::weary:


I was considering trying a Uphorik next year.
Do you have any experience of the Linn Uphorik?

Instead of the Uphorik (Urika in a box) bite the bullet and get a used Radikal with the Urika built in.


I’m afraid not. It wasn’t on my short list. I used to have a Linn Linto and assumed the Uphorik slotted in between Linto and Urika. I wasn’t blown away with Urika so decided to bypass Uphorik

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Fair enough, I’m not convinced it will be an uplift to my Cyrus, but it’s within my imaginary budget so thought it might be worth a test.
We’ll see how I feel about things in the new year. I’m not looking to do my Cartridge replacement till the middle of next year, so that’s probably when I’ll run some Phono Stage tests.
I will keep all of your thoughts in mind when the time comes🙂

Sounds like the right thing to do.

FWIW……my phono stage journey over the past 30+ years has been:

Dynavector P-75 → Linn Linto → Cyrus Phono Signature-> added a PSXR2 power supply → Rega Aura.

Each step was a discernible upgrade. Carts were DV 10X5 → Benz Micro Ace → DV XX2 Mk 2 → Linn Ekstatik

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Personally, I would move to a Radikal before upgrading your phono stage


I literally just upgraded to the Lingo 4, so that’s staying for a while.
The Cartridge will need to be done next year, which is a perfect time to consider Phono Stage’s. I have no problem with my Cyrus, just considering options as the opportunities arise😊


Someone asked to see my new LP12/ARO/Troika, supplied recently by Cymbiosis… (I just can’t remember who!)