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What is it doing then? :grin:

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I’ve no idea, but I like the colour.


More expense but a decent record cleaning machine kills static. My Project Alu 2 is £ for £ one of my best ever purchases. Highly recommended.

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Only from the vinyl though. :wink:

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Let 100%% wool carpets be your friend :wink:


I have all wool carpets which helps, and as I have upgraded my deck, the surfaces noises have reduced dramatically. That said I am almost at Klimax level now and intend to go further in the pursuit of vinyl heaven.

The Collaro mat helped a bit too.

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:joy: and read the labels on the records with their awfully tiny fonts, I’d say the best upgrade!


I’m really not sure about the Colaro mat as an upgrade. It’s a felt mat. The LP12 is a felt mat. How can a slightly better mat make night and day differences to a £10000 turntable? Or are people just jumping on the bandwagon and saying Yeah! Sounds so much better.

I don’t get it.

If it’s scientific like Acouplex then I get it.


I wouldn’t say it’s night and day :sunglasses:, but easy and cheap enough to compare. I’ve also used my blue Rega mat, which never stuck to the record, but is thicker, so affects the vertical angle thing. I like it for the colour as much as anything.

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Well Dan

I know it doesn’t quite make sense but I replaced my LP12 mat on one of my Sondeks with the collaro

As you say they are both felt . However the Collaro is somewhat thinner than the standard LP12 one, so that might have something to do with it

It makes a difference, tidies up the midrange a little and likewise the bass.

For a very modest outlay in my view it’s money well spent . Mate of mine has also a different mat on his Sondek than the standard and we have done the comparison, it is also better


As long as you’re happy with it. But I don’t really see what upgrade it makes. Apart from looking nice!

Well have you tried it Dan ?

Don’t forget Dan, the LP12 spins in the opposite direction down under so probably that has an affect as well

Probably all in the double sided tape


Try it @Dan_M, then you’ll know. One way or t’other.

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If you have done the sound test between the two then maybe it does sound better!

Would be interested as to why though.

Fair enough it costs nothing to change out really in scheme of things. But what is it supposed to do?

As I’ve said above what it does for me . May not do it for you though . Try it

Hi Dan,

Imho it’s worth a try. For me, it was a pretty small difference but not zero.

I have a Cirkus/ Kore LP12 and a Karousel/ Radikal one (with the former out on loan atm). The mat’s difference is a lot smaller than that difference (just as well, given the costs), but is more noticeable on the better deck.

And I too like the red version in an otherwise black corner.

I’m frustrated with the mats sticking though. It was never an issue with the Rega. I’ll get a RCM, but need to remember to turn the platter off before swapping a record over.

Other than that, the LP12 is a delight. It just has a presentation that is very immersive and enduring. It’s not at the door of the ND555 technically, but just as good for musical enjoyment.


I like the colour contrast against all the black as well, and have the blue mat on my Rega 3 for the same reason.

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So the mat lifting is my issue. You take a record off and the mat lifts and gets rucked up. Sticking it down will cause damage to the platter with selotape marks. Is this the latest fad or a worthy upgrade? My dealer won’t put one on lone. You use it. You buy it. You buy it and yes it sounds better.

If I went for one would be black one. Interestingly enough it says nothing on their website about what the mat does!

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