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Any idea how much the upgrade costs?

£1870. I was asking about the Akurate and I don’t know if the Radikal is the same.

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What - another Radikal upgrade to the Radikal 2 ?

Out of control - how much can the human ear cope :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

There was only one Radikal upgrade 1-2 Akurate and Klimax upgrade kits are the same.
The waiting for upgrade at some point is proposed to be the Utopik to replace Dynamik power supply these too will be an upgrade kit in the future products and current in some new ones. :zipper_mouth_face:

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As Skeptikal says - I was enquiring about the 1 to 2 upgrade.

Oh apologies Clive I thought maybe another upgrade to Radikal 2

The upgrade board from 1 to 2 here in Australia ( if it’s just the board which is a bit complex anyway) from memory is around $3.5k Aus so pretty hefty

I think it has been quoted in a previous Linn price list

But there will eventually be another upgrade anyway - it never stops

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I know there was some speculation that the Utopik power supply would find its way into the Radikal 2 at some point. It wasn’t mentioned by Linn when the Utopik was announced a little while ago, but they did say they would be rolling it out for other products in due course. I don’t know if @Cymbiosis has any insights on the likelihood or not of that happening?

The very fact that Utopik is a replacement for Dynamik Technology.
It looks very likely but will be in due course. :+1:t2:
Model variations permitting too.

Rad 1> Rad 2 upgrade in 2021 is the first main board and motor upgrade to the Radikal since it’s introduction. So 12-13 years.
The Dynamik Ppower supply was in about 2012 from memory. The Utopik PS, I very much doubt will make it’s way into Radikals until at the very earliest late this year, but probably next year as Glasgow can’t make enough to satisfy demand on other products being offered the upgrade ATM.

“It never stops” - Better to upgrade/evolve a product and offer the upgrade at a fraction of the cost of a complete new unit to customers, than be forced to buy a complete new upgraded product because no upgrade path exists! Plus these two upgrades focusing on different areas of the Radikal are offering upgrades where components have not changed for well over 10 years. Plus if you don’t want an improvement based on new developments/knowledge gained over the last 10+ years, just stay with what you have as it’s fantastic!..It just got better and the choice is down to the individual!




Too cold to sit outside and read my book so having a late afternoon listen. Dreaming about expensive speakers :joy:. I just can’t help it.


What speakers are you dreaming of Paul? I found in my recent upgrade journey that the speakers made by far the biggest difference.

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Hi Dan, ATC SCM40s, passive or active maybe. It really is just a pipe dream at the moment as I’ve not really any problem with my Keilidhs after rebuilding them. Maybe audition a pair when my pension funds get replenished in 18months. Although a mate has a mint pair of gloss black Sopra 2s sitting in his hallway waiting for a new home :thinking:. Probably too much for my room though. All the best from up north mate.


SCM40s work wonderfully with Naim and are a bargain at the price. I am very happy with mine.

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I got my Sopra 2s for half price, 6 months old mint.

Out of all my hifi they are the finest item.

My brother pushed me towards changing speakers and said that they would make the most difference. And they did.

I have had Linn Kelidhs and then Focal Aria 936s. Linn Kelidhs had more musicality but Focal Aria 936s are a modern speaker and had a lot more power and different qualities.

The Sopra 2s are alot better than both in my opinion. But, the Linn Kelidhs are an old school speaker and have different qualities which modern speakers won’t offer. I would describe them as a classic Olive or Chrome Bumper equivalent speaker. They are lovely.

Modern speakers sound clearer, bigger bass, better presentation. But the old style speakers have a vintage lovely feel.


The ATC SCM 40s are good speakers. They use them at Audio T Brighton and have heard them many times. They are a good quality speaker. Many on hear love them. I prefer the Sopra 2s but they cost alot more.

You won’t go wrong with the ATCs. Their range is excellent.


I also feel that changing speakers has the biggest effect on the overall sound, but that’s probably due to the fact that they’re influenced by your room.
Completely different to the source or amplification that tend to bring out more individual changes to the sound, i.e. mid range, percussion, voice, fine detail etc etc. :+1:

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I would obviously concur with your potential choice of ATC40A’s! The advantage of the actives is that you can thereby dispense (sell or part-ex) with your 135s, which is what I did, with no regrets at all.

No comments from me re: the Sopra 2, other than at full price they are very close to the SCM50aslt: at half rrp they may be a good buy if finances permit and they work in your room.

One advantage of not having the 135s is I only have one humming transformer now :grinning:

Kept in a cupboard you never hear those transformers, not that I did when they were in an open rack!

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You were lucky: on a bad day mine hummed like a barbershop quartet. Irrespective of transformer hum, the 40A’s are, if your cup of tea, a relative bargain in hifi terms, and are well worth a listen at their price point. Imho, of course…

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Ditching the 135s would be hard for me. But I am open minded. Without listening it’s hard to imagine the SC40a would better them. However, a long term plan to end up with a 552/SC40a system driven by a Klimax LP12 and my current NDS/CD555PS is a compelling thought. It’s taken me 13 years to get to where I am now and it may never change but it’s nice to have a dream that “May” come to be :wink:

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