Show us your Sondek

I looked at your four posts in this thread but couldn’t see any replies that could be construed as abusive or even mildly sarcastic…unless some were deleted?

Didnt see anything in your posts that could prompt the above in any case. Confused…


No need to go
Observations about this are very real it’s just there has to be a compromise made as constant adjusting for everything is unrealistic.
Set your deck for your needs and enjoy.
Everything has some compromise.
It just seems like in recent years LP listening is a voodoo subject when in reality it’s pretty straightforward. :wink: :+1:t2:


Gosh, that all took an unexpected turn. I didn’t see any unhelpful comments.


Maybe we need more mats like these



I’m sure I saw somewhere here that there would soon be a Linn UK price increase, but I can’t find anything online - can anyone confirm a date?

A check online shows that there was a Linn price increase on 1 Jan 2023. I don’t know if there have been any since then.

Thanks - that’s all I could find too. Of course I can’t remember now where I read about a 2024 increase. I want to go to Radikal 2 so I need to know if there’s any urgency. I have contacted Cymbiosis, so I’ll post here if there’s any news.

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I seem to recall that Naim always used to increase prices on 1 April of each year. I wonder if that made us all April fools?

Linn price list available at end of January after new items announcement. :+1:t2:


@Skeptikal any clues on what they might be?

All non disclosure until I believe 29th Jan
Then the price lists will be revealed. :zipper_mouth_face:

I heard that the new Klimax Sondek is now £50000 or so

An increase of 100%

The LP12-50 is indeed £50,000 but already released. :partying_face:

It is probably a cassette deck designed by some famous designer.

So we can already look forward to some serious deflation then

Time for an lp12. - 51 then.

My triggers broom from 1987 will do me for the duration and none of all that tie in digital stuff.
I just spin discs.


If this is true I’ll get my order in now for a new 50th anniversary LP12 before the price becomes ridiculous…

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My dealer emailed me before Christmas to let me know there would be an increase in January & orders placed up to 19/1 would be honoured at 23 prices. When I saw him on Saturday he’d had no further info. So it’s definitely coming.

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Apparently the cost of the Radikal upgrade is not going up in the new Linn price list.