Show us your Sondek

You need not have an external PS, quite right, but of course the same argument applies to having a turntable.

I suspect that an extended session at Cymbiosis will show the right answer for you, which need not be what other people would pick. Having said that, the VFM in favour of buying s/h bits comments do matter, esp when those bits are inside anyway.

Also, I too was persuaded to get my first Lingo largely because I had a handful of 45s, but fairly quickly noticed the benefit for SQ on LPs (despite the cloth-ears). It’s only a small extra box…


Had this current Majik package with also Minos been available early 2018 when I bought my first new LP12…

I would have bought this in a heartbeat, with a walnut plinth, and likely wouldn’t have started LP12 studies for a great while, if at all.

The first upgrade itch would then have been met by the dealer with a Lingo 4 and Trampolin 2, a simple life all one needs is a bit of money :wink:

(since all that obviously wasn’t the case I have now sent a Prefix under way for service, found a rare mint Ittok, and am involved with bearing and power supply upgrades)


Agreed. The base Majik package with a better motor supply (plenty of choice) should have you enjoying your music for years to come. No need to ‘upgrade’, and the deck is factory fresh - not made up from used parts.


I was in a similar place recently wondering if it was worth me buying a new Majik or seeking out a higher spec second hand version (and reading through thousands of forum posts to help). In the end I pulled the trigger on a new Majik that i am waiting to have delivered and set up. Reasons for this:

  • I found it rare to see a second hand LP12 with karousel bearing, which lots of people seem to rate as one of their most important upgrades.
  • The niggle I would have in the back of my mind wondering if all components were installed/set up correctly and or when they may be past their used by date.
  • The knowledge that this will be my turntable for life and a project I will develop overtime with each upgrade specific for me when I have the need/cash.
  • The deal I ended up getting on a new majik which made it a no brainer in the end.

You have the benefit of Cymbiosis, which I don’t in Aus. Seems sensible advice to spend some time there listening to the various options to see what works for u.

Best of luck, keep us posted!


You have the Hercules fitted internally and get the benefits of 33/45 switching from day 1 of LP12 ownership and they are readily available second hand.

unfortunately Hercules doesn’t fit with the current Karousel bearing, hence the great love for the Minos which does.

(and delivers the same goods as Hercules, a mild SQ upgrade, 45rpm and a Linn-style switch and in UK at a somewhat lower price even)


Of course, I forgot that. I remember using this as part of the reason when fitting a Karousel to get the Lingo 4, Kore etc done at the same time.

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The Karousel cannot be fitted to my Hercules powered Cirkus?

Is it a location/interference problem?

Mrs Oxfordian knows :wink:

The vfm of a Cymbiosis build from second hand parts is a no brainier. I have had a few LP12s in the past with Aro, Ekos 1,2 and SE. I had a second, incomplete Javelin and so I decided to go back to the fruit box. Wayne demoed a couple of decks in November so that I could hear a Karousel and an Aro

I went for a s/h fluted walnut plinth and added bits for Peter to complete. The Circus was replaced by a s/h Karousel and I considered the Minos but decided on the upgraded Minos - the Zeus which monitors and controls the speed but is also internal. The upgrade can be made later and I was informed that it takes it at least as good as Lingo 4.

I also broke the piggy bank and moved from a s/h Kore to a s/h Phoenix as my Javelin could be easily mounted on that with some changes to the base plate (but not on a Keel which did save a few pennies).

It looks superb and as good as new, I have not heard it yet and go to collect on 17 Feb, I am sure I won’t be disappointed.


Porsche Riviera Blue!

In my opninion the richness of the replies illustrate the uniqueness of the LP12 platform.

It can be configured and upgraded in a myriad of ways to anyone’s heart desire, and this over decades of ownership.

That said, sometimes (more) simple choices can be nice, and spending money for a brand new well balanced package also has its appeal.

So we’re discussing the entry point of LP12 ownership today, starting without legacy.

I’m kind of happy with my LP12 hobby nowadays, but there were times I just wanted a very good record player and be done with it focussing on buying and playing records instead of the machine itself.
Important there in my opinion are support of a good dealer, the currently available packages (very good now) and how far one wants to take this both financially and as a hobby.
Also, getting myself immersed in this over time, I noticed my ears prefer different things from the majority of buyers and members here, which then again asks for an extra investment to arrive exactly at what you like and be sure about it.

So we all have done nothing else than bringing @Oxfordian back to the choice he already had - with more feedback this time - and a decision only he can make :slight_smile:


I assume that, as the Ittok is ‘mint’, the bearings upgrade relates to the LP12’s spindle.

Yes indeed @anon70766008 , more specifically working out budget vs what I’m being offered for power supply plus Karousel.

So choices are Minos and Zeus and Lingo 2 and Lingo 4, even Radikal and leaving the bearing for a while. To my ears there are only two kinds of LP12, with or without Radikal, so some choices required. Will keep you posted!

Btw this Ittok LVIII was taken off the deck upon introduction of the Ekos not long after, was put in its box and stayed there until I bought it. Never saw one looking so brand new, and bearings pass the swing test with flying colours. To my eyes there are again only two kinds of LP12, with or without Ittok, so taking that step now.

If only they had offered the current Majik / Minos back in 2018 I might have just spun records :wink:


It’s not just about ‘vfm’ though. There is a lot to be said for owning an LP12 from brand new, especially if it’s a long term purchase. I bought mine new in the late 70s and a lot of it is original and that pleases me.


That intrigues me, what do you replace a Karousel bearing with to generate second hand versions of Linn’s top bearing?

‘No brainier’ :thinking: If some folk didn’t buy new there’d be no s/h for the ‘recyclers’.


Some get by a warm glow from knowing that they have maximised sound-per-£. After all, a second-hand sub-chassis (for example) is literally as good as a new one - they don’t wear out and can’t be seen.

Others get more of a warm glow from knowing that no-one but them has ever owned/ used an item before, whether that item is a house, a car or a turntable.

As others have said, there is surely no need to find a ‘right’ one-size-fits-all answer here?


If it were me I’d go with a Peter Special.
I ain’t got long enough to go through another series of LP12 upgrades from scratch!

Were the Magic Mirror to make me young again, however…:laughing:


People can do what they like. Apologies for suggesting buying a new LP12 is a reasonable alternative to cobbling one together from used parts.

My LP12 was bought brand new and has grown and developed as things have been improved so I did enjoy the journey at his has been affordable “ sort of “ through time as I had no choice.
But now the world is wide open and the choice is huge.
It’s always that one niggling question do I want it only to have been mine from the start or are you happy to adopt.
Bit deep eh! :wink: