Show us your Sondek

It does show what a beautifully made thing it is. There must be some very clever design engineers working in that part of Glasgow.

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Naim Nkowledge… :mage:

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Which lens did you use, for this shot…? I will guess around 24mm… :thinking:

(for me, 24mm on 35mm/Full Frame, is around where reality starts to get rather weird…)

This issue applies to just about any item that is focused close up, it’s all about perspective, for example if you were to go to London and stand on the north side of London Bridge and look at the Shard, it’s a huge building.

Now if stand a pencil up on the walk way wall (try saying that after a few shandies :grinning:), go in close focusing on the pencil get your angles right and the Shard would appear smaller than the pencil. You can try this on items around the home just using your eyes.

In this image the tone arm is much closer to the lens so it appears bigger than the deck it is attached to.

Hope this helps.


Many years ago I almost exclusively used a 24mm lens for landscapes etc. I loved it. Only stopped because the short zooms I moved onto only went down to 28mm or 35mm. These days my fairly expensive OMD gathers dust most of the year which is kind of sad.

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Apologies, I should have said wide setting: and spot on, the equivalent of 24/1.7 on my phone.

It’s not a great shot - took it quickly just to demonstrate the effect.

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Thanks Dan - in idle moments I’ve wondered what level my Linn would be at.

Interesting - I should hear a Rad2 - just for the hell of it! :wink:

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It works very well… :slightly_smiling_face:

Actually, you don’t hear it, just more music :grinning:


The Majik discussions over the weekend reminded me of the above post from a few years ago, followed by one of @Dan_M 's always sensible recommendations.

Some time ago I posted that I have a smilar personal experience that just installing the individual LP12 components doesn’t automatically guarantee the best balanced end result for your ears. Especially when upgrading older decks or using older classic components like the Ittok. I had to fully redo that and am only now attempting to have another go at the Ittok being more in the know of what happened back then (my summary: Ittok LVII needed a Lingo 1/2/3 and didn’t like the Kore but Majik was fine, Jelco 550 is more forgiving but S-shaped).

The LP12 is a system with many variables. I guess that’s why I like the Majik package as it’s actually pretty well thought out and just works, like its current big brother Selekt (where the Majik and Akkurate packages from 6 years ago were the most boring LP12s I have ever heard!).

Anyway, I am negotiating with my dealer to offer me the choice between finally bringing my deck to current spec with new Lingo 4 and Karousel upgrades, which would no doubt go well if I keep the current cart and Jelco tonearm. Or, for around the same money, to go with my Ittok / Prefix project, he now has a used Klimax Radikal 1 keeping the Cirkus bearing. With a Radikal the rest of the deck’s configuration becomes quite irrelevant instead of critical (kritical…). Also, when I walk into my dealers I hear unseen whether the deck in use is Radikal 1/2 or not, big difference.

Yet, there is that bitsa thing (great word by the way) and perhaps I can simply choose anther cartridge than the AT (I also had a 33PTG/II in mind) and perhaps my soon serviced Prefix K will make all the difference. So also here things to contemplate, but self-inflicted really because I’m trying to mould the LP12 to what I like soundwise and aesthetically, as a project. And having previously restored bikes, bicycles and cars as projects I know what challenge you are then getting yourself into. Only now I’m dependent on someone else (dealer) also because personal life makes I can’t commit enough time to this project, which does make a difference for better and worse.

Perhaps some of you have similar experiences, anyway will keep you posted! (with pictures then, as that’s really the topic’s original purpose I believe).


If you have the Majik level LP 12 that came with the Jelco tone arm I have to say it’s one of the best arms sum thousands out there “ or was “ I had for a number of years and punched well above its weight.
I think the idea of having the Karousel bearing at least will bring big dividends the improvements are obvious with a really good set up.
And it meets the proper hierarchy for deck upgrades.
Once you’ve settled to the up to date aspect then look at a Power supply.
Changing the arm etc is down the list.
And incremental stages are more economical and appreciated.
Don’t rush it. :+1:t2:


Thank you @Skeptikal but I have the Jelco TS-550, my history (and objectives now) are a bit different.

In 2018 my new LP12 was originally built with: fluted plinth, Trampolin 2, Cirkus bearing, Kore subchassis, Valhalla psu & Ittok LVII tonearm (the only bitsa items), black T-cable, Adikt cartridge. A popular config there that was a total mismatch in my room and system however.

The friendly dealer rebuilt it with most of my current configuration: same plinth, base board and bearing, but then with a Majik subchassis, Hercules psu, Jelco TS-550S tonearm, matching Jelco cable, and an Ortofon MC3 Turbo cartridge. Sounds completely different.

It’s nice in the system I had, but I want to move on now that the rest of my system is at a higher level. Am not rushing things, am in there for 6 years now :wink:

So I wanted an Ittok again for looks, honestly, and doing that better this time, so with external psu and MC cart, and going there in steps. Have a mint Ittok LVIII (better) now in a box, also have a Prefix on its way to Naim for service, and will have to pick an external psu to support that anyway.

I now realise that current config will guaranteed support Lingo 4 and Karousel nicely, but my more exotic project idea with Ittok and Prefix will be more trial-and-error and might benefit from Radikal (or not). So bitsa restomod or hierarchy :slight_smile:

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My ancient 78 vintage LP12 with Ittok, Karousel, Kore, Lingo 4 etc sounds fabulous with my Dynavector XX2 mk2. And it costs a lot less than buying a new Selekt level LP12. So I have to disagree with you about the Ittok not working with a Kore, maybe the set-up was not spot on.


Just managed to catch up with this thread and I took a similar journey to yourself a couple of years ago. Always wanted an LP12 after foolishly selling my original LP12 in the mid 90’s.
Anyway like yourself I had a Rega turntable (P2 in my case) and in March 22 went for a demo at Cymbiosis with a budget for a new Majik LP12 (Krane/karousel). Wayne was doing the demo although Peter was around and popped in after about 30 minutes asking how I was getting on. I was very happy with the Majik but he suggested I could do better for about the same money and showed me a very good condition Ittok and a recently recapped Lingo 1.
I didn’t want the faff of an adapter either so it was a no brainier to go for the lingo 1.
In short I went for a new LP12 deck so everything was mint with the bit that you see, plinth, top plate, lid, karousel etc. Peter built it up with the Ittok, Lingo 1, cirkus subchassis, new motor and MM cartridge.
When I picked it up and Peter demoed it for me and it was significantly more musical than a new Majik LP12.
Almost 2 years on I am very pleased, although now upgraded sub chassis to Kore which was a big step up from cirkus sc.
I am sure which ever way you go you will not be disappointed, new or a mixture of new/used.
It’s worth noting that Cymbiosis have many LP12 used parts that never make it on their website before they are sold, I bought my Ittok and lingo before they were advertised, so if you fancy buying used items it may be worth asking them to look out for the bits your interested in.
Best of luck and looking forward to hearing how you get on.


Your second build makes sense to me in terms of the advice that Linn once offered me. I asked them them what to do next with my Cirkus, glued subchassis, Valhalla deck. They said power supply next. Which is what you did with the Hercules.

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Seem to be some quite ‘hard’ views being expressed - about what’s right and wrong…?

So… having an Ittok with a Kore (and Cirkus), on my 1982 Lingo’ed LP12… it seems I am ‘wrong’, then…?

Oh well, never mind… :crazy_face:


Not at all! Sorry if it came across that way, but just a caveat that at one point it didn’t work for me (and for the other forum member who’s post I linked) and indeed you’re Lingo’ed and MC-ed.

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No… I am happy to be ‘wrong’. I mean… what do Cymbiosis know about LP12’s… :crazy_face: :smiley: :thinking:

I had a 10X5 in my deck and it sounded very good, with me being very happy with it. However, when it came time to replace I decided to upgrade and it now sounds “even more gooder” :grinning:

A fluted plinth with a smoked lid always looks good I think and yours looks great.