Show us your Sondek

I’m glad I’ve helped see Peter
Even a new deck with any Lingo or Radikal as an upgrade will give you both speeds and any new deck will have the latest bearing.
It seems obvious the Mrs would like input then if happy to pick a new plinth then harmony seems guaranteed.
But I think in her eyes a second hand plinth or deck will be that.
Start your journey you’ve got the best fettler so are very lucky.
Best wishes. :+1:t2:

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Everyone is trying to help, each in their own way, effectively there are two camps, the first supporting a new Majik and the second supporting a mix of new and pre-loved.

I can see both sides of the discussion, both options have a lot of positives and both have some negatives.

From my perspective I have to pick the one which I believe gives me the best outcome for me, some will go great choice whilst others will wonder why I didn’t go the other way.

What everyone should be happy about in the end is that I have joined the LP12 owners club.


Choice of two badges as well!

Linn Lover

Fruitbox Fan


:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Yes, I think I’m now settled on sticking with the LP12 I have, as the fluted Aframosia plinth is really the classic match I want with the Naim gear, as is the Ittok LV II.

Off course, one likes to think about improving things. I think I’ll either leave it as it is long term, or go with either just adding the Lingo 4, or going all in with Lingo 4, Karousel, Kore and Trampoline. The last option would be a total spend slightly over the cost of a new Majik but close to a Seleck level performance and I wouldn’t want to go any further than that. Any of that is pretty good value for money, it’s more a question of whether I want to spend more and I’m happy enjoying it as it is anyway, so it’s all good.


Clever, very clever.

I suppose there is a third option, dare I say!!!

I only mention this, as there is a newish Majik for sale second hand here in New Zealand that has the Lingo 4, Kore, Trampoline upgrade and is priced just above the entry Majik price new. You don’t get to choose the plinth though.

So, a good second hand LP12 could get a better result for the same cost?


That is very good, worth consideration isn’t it?


Well, I could upgrade mine to the same specification for a slightly lower cost, but I’d have the Ittok and AT OC-9 rather than the Krane and Adkit which I think would be better?

There is a lovely LP12 with Aro, Lingo 2 and fluted plinth for sale at Audio Gold in the UK, I see on the web.


To an extent, I agree with you.
John Killick from Audio-T has been servicing my LP12 since the early 90s and he certainly gets the best of it the TT and I have no intention of letting anyone else touch it. He does rate Peter Swain highly though as well as some other people who set up LP12s well. Peter has a deservedly good reputation and his business is focused on LP12, I doubt you will find a store with so many different LP12s of varying levels and ages set up and ready for customers to make comparisons between. If I was ever near his business I would drop by to have a listen and look.


Good to hear you’ve found a way forward! Just wanted to chime in that there is life without the Kore, I was not fond of what it did in combination with the Ittok, and the Majik subchassis is very good.

So instead of the (quite expensive full) package that you listed, for a classic afromosia LP12 with Ittok you may find that a recapped Lingo 2, Majik subchassis, Karousel bearing, new base board (Solid Base or Trampolin 2), and a new cable for your tonearm (the Audio Origami one, or Linn’s grey T-Kable) may be quite the uplift already and would make for a nice and balanced combination.


Pre-loved works for Linn’s as it does for Naim’s… :crazy_face:

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I’d rather have an ARO than an Ittok. I replaced my old (black) Ittok with an ARO over thirty years ago, but not everyone likes the apparently flimsy construction of the ARO, especially compared to an Ittok, and the cueing by hand of the ARO takes some getting used to.

The Ittok feels quite ‘solid’ compared to the ARO - make of that what you will!


No funds to buy until late April as have a few big bills heading our way over the next couple of months, so using the time to research, discuss and listen before I take the plunge.

Thanks for the heads up though.

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More to think about :sunglasses:. Our market for second hand gear is a bit more limited, but I’ll keep my eyes open for a used Lingo and I have a mate who can install it for me. Always like a bargain, it’s the only way to exceed your end game :smile::smile:

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Tricky one Mike but your Tonearm and cartridge is better so just stay where you are for the meantime

Eventually Kore, Karousel, Lingo 4 , trampoline and then done

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For the record, next to the Majik LP12 with the Adikt cartridge (now called MM-Majik) there is now also the MC-Majik with the new Koil cartridge (an AT OC-9 variant) for close to the same price.

Like the Krane the Koil is not the most vfm upgrade item, but is good within the Majik start package.


Agree daddycool

I’m looking at a few LP12s on eBay on behalf of a friend, one of which shows an Ekos which looks too long for the deck, as it appears to be overhanging the plinth at the bottom right corner. Or is that just a strange camera angle, or an optical illusion?

I’d wager camera angle leading to illusion…bit like this, taken on wide lens: