Show us your Sondek

Maybe make that your first (and possibly last for the near future) next move!

I’m concentrating on one LP12 for now. Duran Duran are a good test of an LP12. I have excellent sources but LP12 seems to be beating CDS2 handsdown at moment. LP12 vs ND5XS2 into NDS 555PS. Who wins? LP12 on decent vinyl for sure.

So the upgrades have been worth it!

It’s nice when you spend a fortune and it actually works!


Enjoy the deck you have and appreciate what you’ve done.
Don’t dilute your enjoyment with confusion.
Too much attention in different directions takes away from peace of mind.
If you’re happy and you know it leave it alone. :+1:t2:


I haven’t played it for a week.and I am surprised how how good it sounds. I have been listening to it all night. I think that says it all.


Tone Arm, sorry assumed people would know, my bad.

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Thought it was some technical term or another make! All good :+1:

You and I are in a minority, it would seem. I auditioned both arms when they came out, and was hoping I would prefer the Aro, as it was 2/3 the price of the Ekos. But, despite the Aro’s particular qualities, I had a clear and durable preference for the Ekos, so that was the one I went for. I upgraded to the SE in 2007 at the same time as I went for the Keel.

The SE is now almost 18 years old, and I keep waiting for an announcement of a replacement (the SE/1 strikes me as more of a “point release” upgrade). Maybe, as with the top plate, they’ve been unable to come up with something that they feel is fundamentally better?

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Like Tangerine Audio, perhaps? :joy:

BTW I’m not sure the Aro is particularly ‘delicate’. Maybe owners treat them with care because it’s such a wonderful thing! If you’re in the area, you’re welcome to come and have a listen to mine.


The Aro I had was at least as good as the Ekos SE 1 but needed a little care. The care was to ensure earth continuity and if my memory serves me well, there are “white spots” on the head shell and bearing housing where the earth is connected and it is possible to measure the resistance between the spots with a meter. Cymbiosis had some special fluid that could be used to treat the “white spots” to restore conductivity and this was needed by some Aros. The arm was very robust and being wobbly meant that there were no bearing races to destroy.

I moved to the Javelin which has several improvements over the Aro and IMO beats the Ekos SE. I think that Peter uses a Javelin top on an Aro base as the Javelin lift lower /arm rest is poor. I modified the Base plate on one of my Javelins to allow the use of Peter’s Lifter = Success.


I doubt we’re in the minority given the respective numbers sold. Noise on a specialist forum is different to sound in living rooms around the world I’d sugggest. In the end it’s only opinions and we’re all happy.

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Well said :+1:

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Reading your posts last night inspired me to dig out that 80’s classic I was too embarrassed to admit to owning back then.
Giving Rio a spin this morning and yes way better than I ever remember. Must be 30 years since l last listened to this on vinyl.
Glad to hear you’re finally enjoying your LP12 after a series of upgrades. Like yourself I am looking at a Radikal next probably Akurate rad 1, which should be a good step up from my Lingo 1


I have that on single. Duran Duran take some beating in my opinion. A great band. My LP12 looks very similar to yours. I also have the same shelf (not used at the moment but things may change).


I’ve found that with countless albums and CDs I’d consigned to the bottom of the musical heap! I replay them with new kit/upgrades and invariably end up re-assessing. Is that the kit at work, or is it age-related I wonder?


Is that the kit at work, or is it age-related I wonder?

I think it’s a bit of both, when I was in my teens/20’s I think I was influenced far more by my peers/friends musical taste rather than branching out on my own genres. It was all about, Led Zeppelin, pink floyd, Phil Collins, Fleetwood Mac etc…, all very good of course.
Now in my mids 50’s I am far more open minded. This morning listen, Lorde ‘Herione’, Mike oldfield, ‘Crises, Jack Johnson and Madonna.


I gave the old girls plinth some TLC with a few coats of Danish Oil, as suggested by @anon70766008 a few weeks ago. Very pleased with the result, thanks for the advice Graham, though I forget to do before pics, so this is an after pic. :smile:


Yes Hifi Rack is a local company to me living in Leicestershire and my deck is a Peter Swain creation from Cymbiosis, which is about a 15min drive for me so very handy.
I have bouncy wooden floor issues so a wall shelf is essential and the oak style finish works for the boss better than other styles.
Yes our decks aren’t to dissimilar, although your recent upgrades take it above mine. Currently, lastest spec oak deck, kore, mint ittok, lingo 1 and AT VM95 Shabita.
My plan is radikal 1 and probably Dynavector 10x50. Then I’m done😉


It looks very good, Martin.

Just a word of warning to anyone else doing this - do NOT get the oil on the aluminium top-plate.

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The voice of experience!

I was actually swapping a thirty year-old black painted plinth for a new Wenge tropical hardwood one supplied by Solid Sounds (near Leeds in Yorks), so I could apply the oil to the plinth before Audio T re-fitted everything for me.