Show us your Sondek

Yes, further than Brighton.

However, I had no idea that you would be prepared to travel as far as Truro…


Cartridge looks like a Grado Epoch3 although they do two other similar and cheaper in the range. Looks kind of cool in wood.

It’s a Grado Graham and whilst on the subject of bias/anti-skate weights, perhaps we should ask if there is a fly fisherman within the ranks of the forum reading here, who could actually tie a short piece of nylon to the right length for you with a loop at one end to get you out of this position now these weights as you have found are no longer available :thinking:




Good good, and Karousel is the best upgrade possible for the LP12.
Yes, the Aro is an amazing arm if correctly set up as I said previously. And quite a number do appear on the secondhand market, primarily due to the aging population of the owners … There is also a good range of subchassis options still available, including Keel/a Kore/a And Tangerine Phoenix/a.
Anyone thinking an ARO can’t do bass Should listen to one on a Keel Or Phoenix :joy:
Very few arms, even those available today can match the musical flow and integration that is there with the ARO!

I actually worked on three ARO LP12s in Hong Kong (Karousel and Radikal upgrades whilst the lovely ARO LP12 shown in my first post above was a completely new LP12 Including Keel/a Klimax Radikal 2 and an unused (stored in its box for 10 years) new ARO!
My client bought a second one as a spare at the same time as buying his first. What a sensible move.!!!
Here I’m just installing the bearing collar…
KR Peter


Thanks once again :+1:

Hello, Peter, and I hope that you’re enjoying your working trip to HK!

There’s a fish tackle shop at the Brighton Marina, which I will try. Fortunately, I have the bias weight from my other ARO to show what needs to be achieved.

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Hi Bevo,

I really like the Collaro mats and I’m sure Harry at Audio Genesis should be able to supply you one. I find it resolves more detail and is even better than standard mat when correctly sided!!!

Graham55 I’m no longer in Hong Kong - Visiting friends now in Australia :+1:t3:


I hope that you enjoy your stint in Oz, Peter. I have a few friends who live there, but I’ve never been able to travel that far to meet up again. Perhaps one day!

You could take the GA drawing I posted for you a few weeks ago. That gives the specification of the line and the dimensions.


Next upgrade has landed and what an elegant little thing it is. Just goes to show that sometimes it’s the simplest, well designed and made things are the best. Made a nice improvement on the first old record I cleaned.


Excuse Mike - what
Is that ? :grinning::grinning:

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It’s the new Linn Kleaner.

Works like a robot vacuum cleaner on your vinyl records. Controlled by your Smartphone of course…

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Hi Kuma

You said on a thread once that you had a friend who uses Cornwall IIIs with his 52/135s.

Can you say how they sounded?

Was it a good pairing?

And did he keep them for long?


Hi JimDog,

I still have not yet listened to his K Horns with Naim yet. I need to get there first!
Hopefully I get to hear the pairing with Naim at some point. (Two of my friends who had Cornwalls with Naim amps upgraded to the K Horns )

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Time to post some pics again, 2024 upgrade with many changes at once:

  • power supply: Klimax Radikal 1 replaces Hercules
  • bearing: Karousel replaces Cirkus
  • tonearm: Ittok LVIII mk1 replaces Jelco TS-550-S
  • cable: Audio Origami replaces Jelco

The deck is from 2018 and I’ve kept the Trampolin 2, Majik subchassis and Ortofon to stay within budget. Photos taken at the dealer, that’s my silver Radikal stacked on top of an Uphorik.



That’s a very ‘old skool’ LP12 that you have there. Is that an Ortofon cartridge onboard?

Plus what looks like another LP12 with would could be a Syrinx tonearm.

I’ve often wondered what percentage of the world’s LP12 owners are Members of this site.

Thanks @anon70766008, indeed the flutes have been regularly available again from Linn since last year I believe (at significant cost though). This one is a limited edition Linn made for the introduction of the Lingo 4 in 2018. Likely the recent ones are exactly the same. So a newish deck, with an Ittok added.

Yes, an Ortofon HOMC cartridge, wil be replaced with likely a DV20X2-H when budget has recovered somewhat, together with a silver T-Kable. And no, the other deck is a standard Majik with its Krane arm, I thought it would be nice for the visual comparisons of the various Linn items in the picture.


I’m a great fan of Dynavector cartridges. I had three XX2MkIIs in succession, and now have now an TKR on board my ARO - a great cartridge that might have been made to fit the ARO.


New cartridge!


A return to MC after a some years with the excellent 2M Bronze. All I can say is WOW… this thing is absolutely wonderful.