Show us your Sondek

I sourced my heavy Aro c/w last week online from a fairly well known LP12 parts specialist with ‘bits’ in their name. I was a bit shocked to see they had a few Aro’s for sale at not outrageous prices. Obviously, I’ve no idea what condition any of them are in, but maybe worth giving them a call?


Bought ‘bits’ from them too. Got a nice Ekos 2 and T kable for tonearm and they bought my old Akito as part exchange.

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Im with @TheKevster on this :slightly_smiling_face:


It is possible to get an ARO and Troika, if you keep your eyes peeled and you’re lucky…

I found an ‘as new’ ARO late last year that had been rewired and refurbished by Linn (not Naim). To my delight, the seller (WYSAH in Beaconsfield) included a very beaten up Troika (with a snapped cantilever) in the sale for no additional cost. I sent the Troika to Goldring, where David Giffin worked his magic, and the esteemed Peter Swain of Cymbiosis supplied a cherrywood plinth LP12

, with Keel/A.

Goldring can work wonders with just about any Troika, and they provide three different refurbishment options. The difficulty is finding one in the first place, I just struck lucky.


Not to mention Graham it all goes well with the fantastic Nait 50

That little Nait is an absolute delight I must say

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It’s a fantastic little system, Bevo. The darker item below the Nait is the Armageddon PS for the LP12, which again I was lucky to get, as it is now discontinued (I think).


Yes I have the Armageddon for my LP12 ARO

Discontinued a number of years ago but there is just something about it with the Sondek / ARO combo

Can’t explain it at all Graham, not as detailed as my LP12 Klimax /radikal/ Urika which is very detailed etc but the ARO combo has a lovely musical “swing” about it


I remember someone once saying that a good comparison between the ARO and the Ekos is like comparing ballet slippers with a pair of Doc Martens!


Ha ha - something like that Graham

That’s pretty funny - must remember that one thanks :grinning::+1:


There’s a really nice come up for sale in NZ @Bevo - walnut plinth, Aro, Keel, Armageddon and Lyra Titan i. It initially threw me into a bit of a mental vortex, but I’ve since calmed down and decided to stay with my old fluted Ambrosia and upgrade with at least a Lingo 4, and likely Kore, Karousel and Trampoline. I really like the Ittok II and a Lingo 4 is easy to fit into my setup and also gives me 45rpm.

The same guy is also selling a 552 DR, 500 non-DR and NDS/555. Well, the 500 added to the mental vortex, but at the end of the day, my 300DR does all I need and rightly, or wrongly, I don’t want to mix DR and non DR amplification.


Oh Mike beware of that rabbit hole, that’s the vortex :rofl::rofl:

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Maybe I should close my forum account?

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Wise move Mike calm down mate

The LP12 ARO is a different beast again but oh so good

Stick with what you have and over time build on it

And then ditch all that high end trashy streaming rubbish you have ha ha :crazy_face::crazy_face:

Only joking of course


Following up my own message in case anyone is following and curious about the Aro heavy counterweight
After a long, expensive, tortuous route I’m back using the standard c/w on my Aro and much relieved to have the subtlety and involvement back in my vinyl listening too! For me, the heavy c/w proved to be an increase in HiFi and a substantial decrease in musical experience. All in, the experiment has been financially penal, but at least I now have a much clearer understanding of what exactly it is about the Aro that makes me love it so much. As a side benefit I must also thank Peter @Cymbiosis for his time, experience and indulgence of my strange requirements and for demonstrating the XV-1S, XV-1T, Kandid, Kendo and Umami blue as replacement candidates when the time comes to replace my TKR (not soon).
My remaining issue is that having had my LP12’s suspension adjusted for the heavier c/w, I’m now having to use some calibration weights to compensate for going back to the standard c/w.


Hi, from Tokyo,
Not the result I would expect, or have ever experienced myself! The heavy counterweight always provides benefits, but as we were discussing in the shop, maybe in your particular system with the Shahinians maybe that’s the way for you to go!
I’m sure you will have lots of takers on the heavy counterweight if you decide you wish to move that on. It was a good fact find for you with regarding all the other cartridges and your preference being the TKR Will at least save you some money over the XVs !
We are all different and often have different systems as a consequence so enjoy what you have, be happy and I can adjust the suspension for you very easily at some point when I’m back in the UK again.
Best regards, Peter


In Japan for blossom season, fabulous :sunglasses:

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Yes, indeed, we are taking a rare holiday without any LP12s being involved in the plans :slight_smile: !!


If I am not mistaken, it is a big temple in Asakusa. You might find everything in this neighborhood is bit more expensive than other prefectures in Tokyo

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I have a Dynavector TKR on my main LP12/ARO, it’s a great combination, and is fine with the standard counterweight.