Show us your Sondek

Thank you Andy :+1:

Enjoy the day out!
With Keel/Aro/XV1 already decided, I guess you just need to choose plinths and power supply. If it were me, I’d try to hear a Stilletto’d deck with a lesser p/s vs an otherwise similar Standard plinth with KRad2 deck. That would help settle which is the priority.
I’d also have in the back of my mind the strong rumours that Linn may make the Bedrok plinth available(at a price!) at some point.
Good luck!


Thanks KJC. I’ve already bought a Geddon so really it’s just about the plinth. I can’t afford to buy both Stiletto and KRad2 yet so it will hinge on how much better the Stiletto is over a standard top plate and a timber plinth. I’d save a few hundred £’s buying the Stiletto now if I’m going for it as it means only having to buy karousel, outer platter, lid and back plate to complete the full deck. I really like the Geddon although I accept that the KRad2 may well be a lot better but the differential is £6300. I’ve spent a lot on kit recently sort of brought on by turntable debacles. The KRad2 can wait a few months.

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I had a Tangerine Phoenix sub-chassis and a Zeus power supply fitted to an LP 12 to go with my Javelin XV1s and the results are way beyond expectation. I suggest asking Peter about the Zeus.


I’ve been looking at the Zeu, do you have the internal or external version?

I’m with you on this one Cohen , in exactly the same position as you as I think I’ve mentioned before

Have the LP12 ARO / Keel with Classic Geddon with Geddon costing $1,300

Radikal 2 is $13,200

So a huge jump in price so lots to consider

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Indeed and I did note what you had written Bevo. Just the plinth type to consider now :+1:

I remember back in the day how poor the early lingo was (like the mark 1 trampolín) IMO. Then I tried Geddon with ARO and it just worked so well. Of course things move on and the krad2 may well be a big and worthy upgrade. I can’t fund everything now so it will have to prove it’s worth in a few months.

What are you thinking re plinth ?

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Check the posts above Bevo :+1:

Got you - nah stick with tradition Cohen :+1:

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:grinning: :+1: you obviously prefer your ARO/ Geddon LP12 to your Klimax version ??

Then there’s the option of an exotic wooden plinth (which forms a nice contrast against all the black anodised aluminium) with a Tangerine Karmen top plate…

Now, why would I suggest that? :grin:

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I will be comparing Clive :+1:

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Hi Mike,

I have the internal version and avoids yet another box! The digital readout shows rock steady speed


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I still have both on my LP12, and, suffice to say, I don’t share your low opinion of them. But then again, (heresy), I think the ARO is inferior to the Ittok, never mind the original Ekos, so maybe I’m just weird.


Nothing weird about it. It just shows how subjective judging the sound of hifi is.


Thanks Frank, I take it that you found a worthwhile improvement with the sound quality over the Valhalla?

I have two LP12, both with a lovely ARO on board.

The older LP12 now has a Wenge plinth from Solid Sounds in Yorkshire.

I believe that Wenge is now classified as ‘endangered’, so can no longer be felled.

The newer LP12, supplied and expertly set up by Peter Swain of Cymbiosis last August, has a cherrywood plinth from Simon Price.


Not weird, just astute :+1: