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Why is your system switched on if not using it then.?
Most people would be put off with idea of leaving things switched on all the time.
There was no hard and fast rule about timing I just thought common sense would engage that better give it a spin from cold as with any power supply it just gets the bearing oil moving.

There’s no planning in leaving the system switched on. I think Naim recommend it. But the bit where you commit to playing music in 30 minutes or an hour plus the reset issue is off putting. People are entitled to do exactly what they want. The point is if Radikal leads to a 30 minute platter spin I’m having 2nd thoughts.

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It doesn’t.
Good job nobody ever told you how to reset the lingo 1 it must be due by now.
:wink: :+1:t2:

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Lingo 1 - 30 odd years old. One Class A service. That’s it. It asks nothing of me and gives back in spades. Radikal 2 appears to require a project plan :smiley:

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Having the platter spinning whether it was an Armageddon, lingo or some of the other power supplies that are available, could make a small difference/improvement but nothing like as much as the stylus warming up as you play a record in my experience. The K Radikal 2 Is quite simply the best power supply for the LP12 and if you leave it plugged in and switched on like you do with the rest of your Naim gear I don’t see any issues


This is exactly correct, and should be your guiding principle. All the enhancements discussed in this thread are minor, and your system will (or should) sound great without them.

To put it another way: I discovered the Radikal reset, the ~30 minute platter spin before playing and the leave-the-platter-off-between-sessions relatively recently, and I’m grateful for them. But I don’t look back on the previous decades of listening and go “what was I thinking? I only thought I was enjoying my music!”


Do you remember the fuss that was caused over the original Lingo 1 because it had a filter on its mains input, which degraded the sound of Naim systems?

Well, that one appears correct, and I’m sure you had Darran give your lingo a proper going over when he serviced it. But take it from me, the Radikal Is in a totally different league of performance. Just listen at some point.


Yes indeed and I’m glad to hear that it is improving just as I said it would from what is already an extremely high-level. Higher than anything you’ve heard before and I’m glad you’re happy. :+1:
Best wishes, Peter

Thanks for the additional background, much appreciated. Because my LP12 switch is not visible when I’m reaching behind my Radikal, I found that 4 in-and-out presses of the reset button were sufficient to get the green and red LEDs lit up. Makes a quick process even quicker.

I’ve heard nothing but good about the Radikal 2, and I will definitely do the update on my KRad in due course. Your point about it being less “sensitive” to the reset procedure is noted, but it will likely not dissuade me from continuing to do it at my accustomed 4 - 6 week intervals when the time comes :rofl:


I don’t remember the fuss but Darren did remove the filter. He recommended it, I’d never heard of it at the time. I trusted his advice. And to be absolutely clear I’m not questioning the quality of the Radikal, I’m sure it’s great, just worrying about the effort some say is required to get the best out of it.

Thank you for taking the time to reply by the way. Your expertise is clearly second to none & given freely :+1:


The spinning platter has always been an LP12 thing.
The reset is a trade troubleshoot not in any instructions but a gift for free for those that may have an issue.


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Yes it’s easy to define. My LP12 improves upon the strengths of the tricked up Solstice with better speed and timing and improves upon the strengths of the SME with better solidity, tracking and control. I’d say that either of those decks v my new deck is like going 552 to S1 or 500DR passive to 3 x 500DR active…It’s not surprising that you use a very very similar speck deck at home. Top drawer .


And flutter.

That rhymes :wink: :+1:t2:


Metre is the new platter spinning :wink:

I press the ‘on’ switch only when I’m about to play a record. I’m usually left holding the arm above the record for a few seconds waiting for it to spin up to speed. It sounds pretty awesome to me!


I hear there is a new outer platter coming from TA - might be of interest to a few here.


But will it be black?

Apparently not….