Show us your Sondek

If you can build and restore bikes then you can easily do an LP12 - its a much simpler mechanical device :slight_smile:


Gorgeous @daddycool!

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How do you get the arm board to sit so square and even within the plinth and top plate. I can get it square, but bounce is less than desirable. When I finally get a perfect vertical bounce, the arm board is never square. I ha e all the tools, jig, t handle level, etc. and. Very precise machinist level.

Any suggestions? Or tricks outside of Peter Swain’s guide.


Wow that’s another step Kuma! Always love your great pics over the (many) years.

Putting stuff together yourself is very rewarding (after some inevitable frustrations in the learning curve).
Great idea to start with the exploded view poster, I was fascinated by that as well when I saw it at my dealer (he can put a LP12 together with his eyes closed I reckon).

Also love how you consistently say Sondek, as do some others, versus LP12. I’m only a few years into ownership, don’t know if that’s a USA thing?

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It depends on what kind of subchassis and armboard you have because if you have a wooden armboard then you can loosen the three little screws that hold it to the subchassis and there is a little bit of adjustment possible there.

Otherwise the biggest thing to get right is the top bolts having a true vertical from the top plate but it sounds like you have paid close attention in that area. What I like to do when I fit the subchassis is to eyeball how the spring sits concentrically to its top bolt before putting on the top grommet and washer. Making sure all three are nicely concentric so that the bolt is sitting perfectly in the middle makes a lot of difference to how quickly you get a good bounce with the armboard square.

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New plinth fitted today. Beautiful Indian rosewood from Simon Price and expertly fitted by Peter Swain. Photos don’t really do it justice tbh…


That’s some pretty wild rosewood! congrats!


Looking very nice @Toon. Very nice indeed!!

Looking good. Peter certainly knows how to bring the best out of them, congratulations.

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could someone kindly provide me the Lingo 1 size in cm please?

8.3cm (H), 15.5cm (W) and 33cm (D). You’ll need to account for rear connected cables as well, perhaps another 10cm as the turntable cable is quite stiff and the connector sticks out quite a lot. Height includes feet so not just the casework dimension.

Stunning plinth!

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Stunning plynth @Toon looks even better with the Karman Top plate - need to talk to @Cymbiosis when I look at Keel - got to admit those Simon Price wood finishes are exceptional


Thank you!


It looks even more stunning in the daylight.


I like how he appears to have used continuous cuts to allow the grain to follow round the corner. It looks like Simon Price might be stepping into Chris Harban’s shoes.


That rosewood plinth is drop dead gorgeous! Nice :+1:

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That turntable is exceptional, the red platter mat against the wood of the plinth :+1:

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When funds permit I’m pretty sure that my deck will be a Rega P10, but your LP12 with that plinth and top plate has seeded doubt! Purely in terms of aesthetics - the sound signature will dictate choice I’m sure, but even so… that plinth is exquisite!

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