Show us your Sondek

I would love to have that plinth. Simon Price?


Hi Scott

It’s a Stiletto …:wink:

Darran at Class A serviced my Lingo 1 not that long ago and upgraded the mains inlet without a filter which can interfer with Naim equipment.

Not sure what difference it made but gave me peace of mind and will be good for many years to come.

Had the Cirkus upgrade with Kore not that long as well before the Karousel came out so funds don’t permit changing it out.

My LP12 is in good shape as had the tone arm bearings done and tone arm upgraded with silver wire and other upgrades by Audio Origami.

All in all happy to stick with it as it is.

Yes, could change to Ekos tone arm, Karousel and Radikal.

Gonna leave it for a good while end enjoy the upgrades I had done.

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My Lingo Mk1 will go ‘North’ - just a matter of when… @Darran is very busy, at present…!

Not mine but on display in the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh.


Interesting that they have chosen to show it with an SME arm, made just down the road from me in Steyning, rather than one of Linn’s own Glasgow-built arms. (Maybe because Linn’s own tonearms didn’t exist when the LP12 was first released.)

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That would have been better; poor acquisition policy. Perhaps they had to go with what they were given.

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Suspect that as an historical item of Scottish engineering it would be shown in it’s original state rather than newer state

Still it’s a lovely combo

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An early LP12 should be fitted with a Grace G-707 arm & a Supex 900…!

More like this -

Not sure how ‘old’ that one is… Clear lid, with sprung hinges - and Valhalla switch…?


I always enjoy seeing it, especially as I have the same SME arm. I don’t know much about Sondeks, so I’m a bit disappointed that it is not a really early model. But I’ve learned something about them today beyond what the NMS states, so thanks for that.

It was this very display that reminded me that I had wanted an LP12 for 30 years or so, leading to me buying one, which has provided me many hours of musical pleasure.


Some setup shots :wink:


Wha… TWO original Naim Aro’s…??? Which seem to be slightly different, in the headshell area…?

A DV cart - DRT XV - 1 ?? And another cart - which I don’t recognise…??

@Charlie - Just Wow… :expressionless: :astonished:


Not quite two Aros just one. :wink: The other is a Javelin manufactured only very briefly by tiger paw. You noticed the slightly different headshell correctly. It also has a thicker arm tube and a slightly different bell without the azimut pin. Only very few javelins like this one have been made. I know of just another one here on the forum. Xv1t, the second cart is an xx2.
To confuse even further, I now use the javelin paired with the original Aro finger lift :rofl:

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I think you’ll find that it is an early model. The holes in the plinth for the lid support give it away. The Grace and Supex came a little later, and the plinth in that picture doesn’t have the lid support holes. The first Linn I heard had the Grace 707 and Supex, probably in 1978.

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@Charlie - Ah… thank you. More learning…! I spotted ‘Javelin’ in your Profile list, but it didn’t click with me at all… :expressionless:

I only run to DV 10X’s here… but have gone through 3 so far… A Mk 5 may arrive one day… :thinking:

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another javelin owner here,i put a picture up on this thread a few weeks really is a fine thing

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Seems you have the „complete“ javelin. :wink:
I have a (prototypic) javelin top only variant to fit on an Aro base Aro keel with the eccentric pillar and an outlay arm for the anti skate bias weight.

@Charlie - The Tiger Paw Javelin is still shown on their website…? But you say not available…?

As far as I know I am afraid that’s the way it is